
From everything I’ve seen about lions, they’re pretty chill. It’s not like deer or rabbits which are used to being predated on and are therefore tricky to hunt. Lions are pretty chilled out cats, especially the male ones who don’t even hunt. I saw a buzz feed investigation on it and dudes drove right up next to the

There are many of these terrositic white murderers who have never even faced trial, many of them are still alive too! I watch a lot of true crime and I saw one case in particular where the white Co conspiritors who confessed are still under witness protection to this day.

25 yr old man whose been having a 3 years long secret affair with a porn actress and escort, but she makes her own money so apperently it’s all okay! That’s allll this family cares about, the ability to make money. Notice on the opposite spectrum how extremely worried they are about rob despite the fact all he’s done

I always wondered how baby killers amy grossberg and Jessica coleman only got 2 and 6 years...this comment section had been illuminating. Especially in the age of today where there is Internet and Google everywhere I can’t think of any excuse where this would be okay. In 1901 yeah but not in 2015. Maybe she doesnt

As an African I really wish Americans would stop pressing african countries on the issue. The more you press and bring it out to the public stage like this the more african leaders will strike back and want to oppose. Not that long ago gay marriage was actally legal in nigeria and gay people could live in relative

Now playing

I was waiting for jez to post this! For those who don’t know the lipala dance is the ish all over Africa. I’ve taught it to my niece and nephew!

No she mad because taylor wrote a song about her called “better than revenge” in which taylor pretty much called her a ho

A. That misplaced comma makes me very uncomfortable

Like everytime they talk about black issues Jez has totally missed the full story. They also omitted the part where A. Taylor spun it round to make it all about her and B. Where Taylor decided to throw the negro a bone and tweeted “If I win, please come up with me!! You’re invited to any stage I’m ever on.”


I must add I wondered the same thing. There are so many layers of bizarre to both the article and her comments.

Thank you, he also rallies against police brutality and tries to support black boys in his video but I guess that’s not really worth talking about. Neither is the fact that Janelle Monae is a female trailblazer in the music scene with her record label and artists management company. No lets talk about and continue to

They are definitely pushing this story. Notice we are talking about this more than we are talking about Tyga’s 3 year affair with an escort and porn actress.

Well what do you know, plus size and black just like I predicted last week in my jezebel comment!!! Surprised they went with uzo, I for sure thought it would be amber Riley!

Oh sorry I didn’t realise my peoples pain and suffering had become a trope. I’m confused about how one can exist in a nation where black people go through traumatic experience yet the white population is totally oblivious to it. Tbh, I don’t think you’re oblivious, I think people use “I can’t see” and “I don’t

“I personally don’t see the big deal here”

Well with your life experiences thats understandable but with my life experiences as a black woman this certainly is a big deal. One of many big deals we have to live with day to day which other members of society can’t even begin to fathom

Leaving a pre-emptive comment to let salty people know

I just went to his twitter, he is disgusting, his later tweets and retweets are even worse than his original comment.

When you’re black, braiding is a basic life skill akin to learning to wash or fold your own clothes. Amongst my family I’m actually one of the worst braiders but all my white friends think I’m amazing, they’re always asking me to braid their hair. My brother, whose in an IRR braids better than his wife for sure.

Shes not just a presenter. Shes actually quite high up at E and producers and moulds and shapes some of the shows. I don’t think she would be getting fired from anything unless she fired herself

Yup, and ontop of that Zoe has had a history of making problematic statements about race in the past. She was asked point blank on BET how she identified and she gave some rambling answer about how PoC don’t exist etc etc. When it came to getting the Nina Role though she was up in the press talking about “I’m a black