
The whole thing is a shambles. Could you believe Milliband! Renouncing SNP and saying he wouldn’t do a coalition with them!?!? What a doofus, you would think he was trying to lose. Yes that was snark because I do think he is trying to lose. I am quietly planning my migration to Scotland. I don’t want my kids to have

Alas this is also my friend’s story except he kicked his dad out of the family home at 18 and told him never to return or else. My friend is huuuuuge, not like roids huge just real serious tall and muscle. He is also a world champion and local champion in several fighting sports and refuses to move out of home despite

Really!? When I google it just now I get a ton of results including from the book “Teaching Deaf Learners”, The Ilenois Coalition on Sexual Assault, the National Criminal Justice reference system as well as a ton of other books and papers They actually say this number is modest because only deaf students at college

yeah check my other coments in this thread, I posted a link to a great documentary. At 38 minutes a woman talks about her experience with the freezer baby. They forced her to kiss it and everything it was horrible.

They were initially but once his reign ended the baby theft continued welllllll beyond that. It was easy as all the networks and methodology was already set up. Once he was no longer in power the baby stealers were not just gonna stop. I linked a documentary in my other comments which is quite good. a lot of the

Im going to depress you so only read on if you want to be depressed

50% of deaf children are sexually abused, I can imagine that number is much higher for those raised in foster care. Sadly, the odds are not in her favour

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It is beyond beyond beyond. They were making serious money selling the babies though so I guess morals out the window. They stole around 300, 000 babies and the price of a baby was about the price of an apartment, the babies ended up all over the world. Now that the scandal has been uncovered everyone who has ever had

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It’s easily one of the worst things Ive ever seen. I found out about it in this BBC documentary

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Its crazy right! Most of the mothers thought something might be fishy but its not like they had seen a dead newborn before so they just took the hospital’s word for it. BBC did a great doc if you want to know more. It’s where I learnt everything about the whole issue

This happened in Spain en mass, the babies were kidnapped and sold by churches and hospitals. Yes I said churches. In one hospital in particular they even had a standard freezer baby which they would bring out to parents as proof of their babies death.

whaaat Unreal!

Hummm depressing. Familiar and depressing.

Now now, we’ve all been dicks about something or another, I was a dick to her about her name too until someone told me to google it.

Amandla is a common South African name, it means Power in the Xhosa and Zulu language and was a protest call for blacks in the apartheid struggle. I used to think her name was silly too until I looked it up

You know I didn’t know anything about the hunger games. I went into the cinema just to watch a movie. I was just sitting there like whaaaaaaat? You cannot imagine the confusion on my face. I had to turn round to my white friends and ask them, wait? This is the book you all love? The book with the plot of this movie?


As cheesy at it is to compare real life to young adult novels I am 100% confused as to how Hunger Games can we one of the most popular media franchises in the country yet so many of those exact same fans don’t support the oppressed IRL in their own country.

she didnt do it to keep her kid from a life of crime she did it because she was scared of what the police would do to him and that he would become another eddie grey. Read her statements

This woman didn’t do this because she doesn’t believe in the movement or the protest, she did it out of fear for the safety of her kid. She is not a hero mom, just a scared one. All the parents are scared - almost every black kid has had that experience. The one where you are scolded by your parents because you chose

I thanked god too. It’s hilarious that the director who casted Zoe as Nina and went against Nina’s daughter’s wishes is the one now being screwed over by the production company. Something, something, karma, something. I wasn’t going to watch it on principle anyway but it looks like it’s going to be a terrible movie.

In other news, that Nina Simone movie staring Zoe Saldana is in crisis and the release has been delayed, delayed and delayed. I look forward to it tanking upon release