
Those were global sales not America sales. I dunno I was going off the top of my head. Ahhhhh I have had a look at wiki now and the 50 million is record sales not album sales sorry!!!!!!!!! I dont know about other countries but Aaliyah was hella popular in the UK and Nigeria right from her first album.

Oh I agree. I give nooooo free passes none whatsoever. I just wanted to give good historical context and hope people learn their lesson from history (which most the time they dont and they say stupid things like "those countries were better under colonial rule" & "at least we taught them the British language" & "those

woahahahahahaha, can I get a rewind. Aaliyah is like the princess of RnB. She with the help of R Kelly (who is very talented although sadly a sexual predator) she redefined the genre, all kids are copying her now and its like 20 years later. She was set to marry Damon Dash, act in movies and release all these

LOL did you not know...they gave her a fake nose and everything! People campaigned for over a year for them to change the casting and they did not oblige.

Oh nooo, well I kinda agree with the decision but I hope Zendaya isn't too upset cause I like her. It makes me sad about society, sad that there are soooo few roles for black women, so few for mixed race women - for WoC in general. Is anyone else going to put Zendaya in their movies besides Disney Channel? Will

According to the UN and other orginizations Women make up 70% of the world's poor, they also make up 70% of the worlds working hours yet only 10% of the worlds wages, women reinvest 90% of their wages in their family whereas men onlt reinvest 30%-40% . Issues with female empowerment, birth control, hunger, education,

I think your being intentionally obtuse. We all know what OP meant come on. They used to follow the catholic church and the leadership of the pope but now they are more self directed as they feel they dont need a pope or to follow any particular denomination. Not everybody is the perfect wordsmith but lets all just do

I totally agree with you I dont know what Mel F is talking about the Catholic church is faaaaaaaaaar from the most progressive church out there. Although to be fair Buddhists are really not holding up that peace thing well in Sri Lanka and worst of all Myanmar. The Myanmar muslims are the most persecuted people on the

Now playing

Haha, wait a second. I just watched about 40 minutes worth of lectures, I think it WAS some of the six you were talking about you are totally right, Mauritius Seychelles and Gabon. Anyway in this short video you can see how sub saharan African countries (blue) were at around the same or only slightly worse level of

they are doing waaaay waaaaaaaay better than they were doing under colonial rule which is a start. There is a huge variation between African countries as well. I haven't got the data of the top of my head but statistician hans rosling has some great charts and lectures you can find his videos on youtube. Many

it's not an excuse, it's just the reality about their history. Americans still go on about the impact Washington et Al had on the country and he was president over 200 years ago. Heck Americans still go on about the impacts Kennedy had on the country and he was president in 1960. Sudan only got their independence

Pyramids are some of the greatest architectural and engineering accomplishments known to man so I'm really not sure what point your trying to demonstrate beyond your own stupidity. I do not know of Sudan's specific history (nobody is really taught that in schools) but a quick google search can show you the ruins of

The fact that your first reaction to this story of horrific child abuse is to minimise it and defend the parents as not uncharacteristically terrible speaks to the deep psychological damage the abuse you've faced growing up has done to you. Sane people read this story and think that is messed up we need to protect

I suppose potatoes potatoes me and you are overall saying similar things. I would say all things considered, with their history and only recent independence, Sudan is doing least better than or equal to the US after its own independence (slavery, civil war, oppresion, terrorist attacks by KKK, bombing and

Not an attack on you AT ALL but I reaaaaally dislike the phrase "failed state" these are countries that have been invaded, pillaged under collonial rule for 100+ years where racial and religious tensions were intentionally amped up by Europeans to maintain their power over the country. They only got their independence

in England we say "my old man" which can mean dad or husband/boyfriend...each to their own

Try it for 3 days and see how you feel then the point might become clearer to you

no injectables or edibles allowed I'm afraid. People who are sick and need medication are not obligated to fast

I live in the UK, Im doing 19 hour fasts from 2.30am to 9.30pm.....its not just skipping lunch but yes try it for a month or just three days and get back to me on how easy it is

Im currently in the UK Im doing 19 hour fasts. Its not the hunger its the thirst that gets you. In about 7 years when it comes back round to winter we'll have it super easy though and be ending the fast at 3.30pm