Jason Momoa is a beautiful beautiful gift to us all from the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Jason Momoa is a beautiful beautiful gift to us all from the Lord. Praise the Lord!
Well its no wonder these famous women dont want to come out as feminists....theyve seen the way ya'll treat Beyonce and theyd rather not have the grief
Lorde and Taylor both had good strong (wealthy ->resourcefull) parents who would never ever ever let them down this road. J biebs parents leave alot to be desired
"This might just be my fangirl-ness speaking but I swear, she is getting more beautiful as she ages"
And to that news her plastic surgeon pops a bottle of champagne
sigh, the comments on this article (not yours) are all woefully missing the point. The built environment has been designed by able bodied men, for able bodied men to the detriment of everyone else. I wont go into it because really its too long and people have written whole books about this but yeah...the toilets…
First Hunger Games now this - this really is Brienne's year - yay tall girls!
ummm...its my understanding that the Romans did not think that much negative of black people so there would be no comments on debasing. In fact the Romans thought white people (northern Eurpeans eg the british) were beneath them and uncivilised. One of the Roman emperors who conquered Britain was part black as were…
Articles about Cleopatras race always bring the MOST ANNOYING RACIST TROLLS out of the woodwork. I realy couldn't care if she was white, mixed or black either way (There are enough amazing black people in ancient history thank you) but the anger and vitroil some white people have over this is nothing short of comedic
Last i remember they found some of her sisters or her mothers bones and concluded that she was at least part black. A quick google search brings up this BBC article which was writter 2 years after that Smithsonian article http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/also_in_t…
and Tom Jones is white!
This case is a full on mess its like a twisty confusing parody of itself....did you see that the family had apparently also murdered the victims sister named Rehana years before? Apparently the family poisoned her
As a feminist built environment engineer I think this is a great step forward. The male equivalent of big pink skirt exists everywhere in our city design and architecture yet noone questions it (how many modern buildings are built like huge blue penises?....why are they even all blue? why is all the glazing blue!?).…
dang i was just about to post that Dodai! its soooooo hideous gosh.
hahaha, i remember that guy, I'm totally on his team. I think he was doing a nice thing for those women
noooo, definitely not, the main chunk of it goes to the bride although sometimes grooms give cows, chickens and rice and things to be shared out between the brides family or village. To be honest Nigeria is mega diverse though (300 different ethnicities and cultures) so the is no one way to do it. Im sure there are…
What a load of poo poo this article is. Nigerians dragged that cosmo article in the comments too and rightly so. This app is clearly a joke/satire - announcing "your spoiling my bride price!" when someone injures you accidentally is quite a common enough joke. A bride price can be nice because it ensures women have…
...if you have knock knees like I do
How is that the solution to the problem of men in our society feeling entitled to taking out cruel revenge on their former spouses and then not getting punished for it by our justice system nor being scolded by other members of society?
Please. Jessica Simpson should not be on this list. Her company is worth $1Billion she is waaaaay out Goop et al's league!
Does she? Im a Brit, I can't recall anyone who likes her singing or her music. Are you a music fan of hers?