Well If the global industry you worked in only allowed 1 black person to work in it at a time you would be fucking insecure too. Hmm shall I direct my rage at the evil creators of the unjust system where two very qualified people can't work in the same industry because they have the same skin colour or shall I rip…
Yes, I actually laugh when I hear people say we need to arm women to protect them from rapists. We would all be going to prison!
I know, I watched Cyntoia's documentary (its on youtube somewhere) those cases are hard to forget
Seeing as noone else is doing it I would like to point out that young girls who get sold into sex slavery in the US and then kill their captors have been sentenced to life in prison. Cyntoia Brown and Sarah Kruzan come to mind in particular.
Seeing as noone else is doing it I would like to point out that young girls who get sold into sex slavery in the US and then kill their captors have been sentenced to life in prison. Cyntoia Brown and Sarah Kruzan come to mind but there are many others.
Why aren't we talking about the fact that brienne is going to be in hunger games movie OMG!!
Frealea is a stupid troll and her controlling boyfriend is even worse. I cant believe jezebel is giving her more exposure. They are very cruel and give very dangerous medical advise to young impressionable often mentally ill fans encouraging them to continue the diet and ignore their doctors besides the fact they are…
lol, do you realy think priests who commited past acts and never faced the justice system are not commiting present acts and will not go on to commit future acts?
I agree. I mean this is a man who could call up any catholic in the world and get them to do his bidding. He could ring up police officers, prosecutors, judges and get them to throw the book at these molesters. He could start a charity drive to pay for therapy for victims he could do anything. I actually think the…
I dunno, maybe because she calls herself a feminist, quotes feminist literature in her songs, participates in campaigns to try to inspire girls and has a song literally called girls run the world....but hey....what do I know?
Ummm, pope is meant to be supreme ruler of the catholics and gods representative on earth. If he can't get the justice process going already to protect innocent babies and needs time to go sloooooowww then he's quite frankly a joke and not right for the role.
I want to preface this by saying I'm one of Beyonce's biggest fans and have obsessively looked at many of her concert videos and pictures. I think she's had lipo on her inner thighs to make sure even though they are thick they still have the gap and that's why they always look weird from the front on. - I also think…
oooh have you got a link?
Troll comments keep floating to the top, like those annoying poo's you can't flush. Best to ignore and not comment.
gosh I remember that, I did major eyerolls. I also think her makeup doesn't help. All that dark eye makeup makes them look even more sunken in - but hey its not my face I suppose she can do what she likes.
Ahhhhh, Ive noticed this too. Its on every post as well, so aggrivating.
Ive alwaaays felt this way too. Some people laugh at me for wanting to take selfies rather than have someone take the photo but I've always felt kind of shitty pre smartphone era when the photos would come back developed and I just woudnt look like me. I think there is a features proportions issue as well as skin…
Call me crazy but Ive always felt like the distortion on modern Camera's don't suit black peoples faces. They usually make my nose and mouth look weird and out of whack wheras my white friends (with pointy noses) well their features look more right on their face and their photos are overall more flattering. - The only…