Don't forget the cousin who warned them both that "Juan Pablo is the type of person to break up with you over a little fight" and that you have to be the one to chase him down to force him to get back together you
Don't forget the cousin who warned them both that "Juan Pablo is the type of person to break up with you over a little fight" and that you have to be the one to chase him down to force him to get back together you
I feel like Lorde is doing damage control after all the shade she threw on female musicians when she first popped on the scene
yes! seriously, and I only anticipate its going to get more boring now that she's gonna be in a relationship with Castelano. There's seriously been a hole in our collective hearts since SATC left the air. A show about female careers, lives, friendships and relationships but so far Girls and Mindy have been a bit…
I love the show and think it has great potential but there are just too many men. I thought it was going to be about dating and lipsticks and friendship and sale shopping. Instead we have all these boring story lines about the other staff members, they dominate the show yet I really couldn't care less.
This is bringing flashbacks to the 90's where companies owned by stuffy white people would slap a rap on anything cause they thought it would make the youngs dig it. That being said Iron Throne and Arya's Prayer are amazing. You can tell Dominik Omega really knows the books.
I love her! She has her problems but I admire her hard work and single minded focus.
Unemployed insanely wealthy bum. She comes from serious moneyz.
Apparently she's the next bachelorette so we'll get even more screen time with her
Damnnn, all the ladies in the bachelor this year were insanely awsome and cool. Sharlene needs no words, Andi is totally fierce and Lucy and Kelly are hilarious. I don't think Juan Pablo is worse than the other bachelors. I think the female contestants this year were just so much better than usual that his shit became…
ahhh i remembered this. Just crazy!!
U Guyyyyssss. I found Lupita's old African tv show, its called SHUGA she was the lead I think its set in Kenya, the other seasons are set in other African countries.
I'm a JlLaw truther but then again I think everything in hollywood is fake. There are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake here, I would fall too if it meant I would get more fans, press, work and pay checks.
daaaamn, Benjamin, his eyes are full on red. I think there could be a thread of just Lupita speech reaction gifs. Jamie, Jennifer and Bradley also had watery eyes
Theres a website for that I saw it on Anderson! Put up your pic and guys can pay for you to holiday with them
The people who think its "to be expected" because she's working as an escort are the worst. Escorts have the right to be safe too. Also I can imagine all these racist experiences are quite horrible for Kim and Kanye, they seem to be handling them very well
Their previous perfume smells exactly like Victor and Rolph FlowerBomb. It smells lovely and its a fraction of the price but I just can't bring myself to buy it
In African countries where STI's are more prevalent health care workers are trying to force the public to get circumcisions and circumcise their children to help reduce the spread. Lots of politicians have done publicity campaigns declaring they "just got circumcised" in order to convince the public to do the same. I…
Back in the 90's when little Nigerian me would watch American tv I would always be so confused when innevitably the white female lead would ask "does my butt look big in this?" first of all NO Rachel from friends your but is tiny. Second of all wait a minute don't you want you butt to look big?
I luuuuuurve Betty, I mean she's awfull but her character is so interesting and layered that I can't stop watching when she's on screen. January plays her excellently. I don't understand why she gets so much hate on Jezebel