
Here is part of the plot summary

Ahh i forgot she said "she wanted to make sure she is seen as" as opposed to "I am". I agree she wasn't catty at all but she just came across as snooty to me....also the I wish I could be dumber comment, bleugh. People who go out of their way to try to remind everyone of just how different they are make me want to

Something about her rubbed wrong with me. Maybe its because I'm just a trashy airhead at heart but IMO she came across really snooty. Her "I'm a panda and they're brown bears" comment I did not like.

I'm a tall girl too although I'm the opposite of you. Kind of like a potato but with pencil legs. I always feel warm and fuzzy in my heart when I see a tall girl wearing it with pride.

Brienne, is that you? you looks fabulous!

True Story: my sister works in fashion, she still wears Uggs but only in secret

the blood gets EVERYWHERE not just the crotch. If you know this guy i think you should tell him the entire inside has to be black not just the crotch panel. Otherwise the pants are kinda nice.

looool. I smell **Reality Show**

omg, phut is soooo dreamy.

Woah rewind, the idea that foreign aid hasnt helped that much is a complete myth, things have changed a fuckton in a very short space of time, I would advise u to follow the bill and melinda gates foundation they have alot of data on this.

That is exactly what my post posits.....given our past what can we do about the present?

I dont have much to contribute however I would like to add to the conversation that Haiti debts and poverty stem from having to pay France and their former slave owners reparations in order to obtain their freedom to the amount of $7 billion is todays money. Due to scammy interest rates they are still paying off this

Yes, hahaha. I had a personal username before but after posting some personal stuff in Groupthink I didn't want to be doxxed so wanted to change it to something random - I was also listening to the Bey album at the same time.

Glad you like the links! its quit shocking really x

Correction, its £1.8 billion ($3 billion dollars) in todays money. Here is the site for the official research team who uncovered the information in 2013

After that happened Jewish people were stolen from tortured and persecuted for 2000 or so years culminating in one of the worst genocides in human history - RE:Reparations I would say your done

I'm happy not to get any reparations if black people and Africans could get some damned respect. People in the US and UK abused us, stole from us, tortured us and then use our past and our pain against us by calling us lazy and complaining that we can't get our act together. Its quite sad really

OMG I remember that scene. I think thats a hare not a rabbit but who knows

Interesting tidbit. His ancestors used to own the deputy commissioner for NYC Stacey Cumbertbatch's family