Blame everyone except the loser.
Blame everyone except the loser.
Hi, I believe the only reason Hillary Clinton didn’t win is because third party candidates stole the election. 100% of third party voters would’ve voted for Hillary Clinton. I know this because reasons.
why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes
This is an especially idiotic hot taek.
So when are all you Jalopnik folks getting on the plane to Canada?
Or they just weren’t going to vote for the candidate who in 08 went around the place proclaiming multiple times that she was the superior candidate because of her support from white people.
An insult I’m too tired to think of @Katai. Bernie’s policies (Particularly the tax on wall street trading to fund free college) were the reason I voted in a primary for the first time ever.
John Podesta...a pox on you for what you’ve just managed to do to this party.
Fuck you and that reductionist bullshit. Not everything is misogyny. Hillary Clinton is a corporate war hawk who has backed some shady shit in the past. She is a schemer and people do not like her. She is a bad politician. She is unlikable. Yet the democratic leadership though it appropriate to rig the primary so she…
Yeah, those Gary Johnson votes would have totally went to Clinton instead of Trump...
Damn, do you know how little her gender has to do with this? Nothing. It’s the furthest thing from the reason she wasn’t chosen.
No, fuck you limousine coastal liberals. You know NOTHING. Everyone on the ground in the Midwest saw this coming. FUCK YOU. You think you know better than people here? The majority of POC I know on the ground in STL voted for Jill Stein. Yet here you white fucking Brooklyn assholes still stand, telling us how you…
Sorry, but this abject disaster is on Clinton and her sycophantic supporters. In order for progressive ideals to have any shot in this country, the DNC must be dismantled from the top down. I voted for HRC. I didn’t even really ahve to hold my nose. But I work grassroots in the rust belt, and I’ll tell you right now-…
Hey guys, there’s still a silver lining - Trump hasn’t said he’ll declare a no-fly zone over Syria, which means we might not start a nuclear war with Russia! So at least we’ve got that going for us, which is nice.
No, it’s the DNC that fucked this up. Every single poll showed that Clinton would either lose or barely squeak by against Trump, and they still chose to push her forward as the candidate. Now, they and their sycophants are throwing blame around, unwilling to accept and admit to their own grievous mistakes.
As I said during the primaries...if you shut down the populist revolution on the left, it just means you get a populist revolution on the right.
LOL. If it weren’t Gary Johnson, Trump would already be president elect. The vast majority of 3rd party voters are disaffected republicans.
This kind of campaign worked for Gore and Kerry, why the hell not?
Hillary’s bank account.
Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.