Actually it is.
Actually it is.
Just to point this out:
Safety regulations didn’t make cars big and heavy. Customers did. Customers wanted bigger, more spacious cars, so they got bigger, more spacious cars. That’s the whole reason why manufacturers came up with “subcompact” cars like the Yaris, Fit, Versa, and Fiesta that are the same size as…
Plaid is reserved for the Roadster 2, apparently.
I’m always sort of conflicted about the guy. On the one hand, he managed to keep Chrysler afloat on the (already waning) strength of Fiat at the time - and to then keep Fiat afloat on the American market’s rebound (Jeeps, Ram trucks, RWD large cars), all while doing an impressive bit of financial juggling to keep…
Keep telling yourself, and the readers, that. It will be a close race, with no winner, just best loser.
One day Drew, you’ll grow up (hopefully) and see that you enthusiastically rushed to the polls and happily voted for one of the biggest criminals our government has ever known. Do I wish I had another choice other than Trump, sure. But he would never do half the damage that she already has. For you to not do your…
Congrats, you actually wrote an article that made me want to vote for trump. If this is the kind of angry, sad little men that would be running the Clinton White House I may just go and vote Trump. Hmm....
So, no need to vote then. This is already in the bag.
yeah, back HC, who’s completely owned by Wall St. She sure will change stuff
Delusional Liberal zombies, Trump has more support than any candidate in recent history among blacks, asians, latinos, lgbt and so on. Hillary is being investigated for her participationin a child sex ring, satanic rituals, lying to congress and sending and deleteing classified information putting America at risk…
Warriors dropped a 3-1 lead and Indians did the same. I’m afraid Hillary may be next. I say this as someone that is liberal as fuck
It’s actually impressive in a way.
One of the stupidest comments I’ve seen on any of these old Gawker sites, and I’ve been here awhile.
That’s exactly what the non-biased press said about Reagan. He won in a landslide victory...
This makes me feel better about not voting for Hillary. I almosy considered doing it in fear of a Trump presidency.
And this is why sports commenters make horrible political commentary...
It’s not like it’s even important, anyways. No matter who wins, Hillary is still going to be locked up and Trump is still getting tons of publicity and brand recognition.
the sad part is if he stepped down and let Pence run or anybody else for that matter they would of beaten Hilary. she’s just the lesser of 2 evils at this point.
Other possibility for the undecided voters: they’re voting Trump but can’t bring themselves to admit it in public.