
This gets an A? This is the best you think this show can do? Man, TDS has some weird side effects

is based more in personal hostility than what's good for the kingdom.

"You milked a unicorn?"

Not as bad as the idea of actual short range nuclear missiles being ready for launch inside the US. I mean, wtf? What were they planning on nuking with that? Detroit?

Thank you. I was going nuts seeing people miss the obvious joke

It doesn't.

I'd look it up, but IMDB no longer exists :(

Essentially defenseless? Squares with the violent attack he had just committed how?

Who do you put your faith in?

It's not a disqus thing, it's an AV club thing. No writing slurs about women or minorities.

We're too old to know that acronym, he's too young to know why the broadcast networks are called "broadcast networks"

Hilarious how much of the episode the AV club will censor if you try to type it out

Is there a word for an armpit merkin?

The horses walking away was a great subtle gag

Did you see this week's episode? It was actually sort of pretty good

I'd love to know how many deaths of innocents refusals to kill super villains have caused in the DC multiverse.

Who's their Morty?

a) it's only $5 on Amazon!
B) they must have traveled into the future to get the Blu-ray

-Winn continues to be the most improved character (a part of me hoped he would make a reference to the Stargate tv series rather than the movie)