
Sorry, I was wrong. You're not stupid. You're crazy. You believe things that are the opposite of reality.

Given the uptick of gun violence in recent years, I’m someone who believes that we should have way, way stricter gun-control laws

When one of your major characters is played by an actress who really is pregnant, it can by pretty hard to avoid writing it in

Ha, I'd forgotten about the Hostages A

What did the supergirl premier have to do with it?

"So I'm suspected of trying to murder this man. I'm going to shoot him to death. I'm surrounded by other people with guns who would be happy to share.

Meh. If you don't have anything else to watch

I was thinking of a Ghostbusters scene on the stairs

I think the guy who guessed a well needs to get partial credit

It's not murder to kill someone asking you to kill them. Maybe manslaughter.

have you ever seen rabbits fuck? It's comically fast

Why does superman have an army?

Marvel to produce DC's movies and DC to produce Marvel's tv properties?

I loled

I'd have such a hard time not getting The Flash to come visit my son

I feel like a Geico commercial when this comes up.

And Det. Lance trying to protect Oliver now. Wait, first you want him captured, now you want to save him. Make up your damn mind Lance!
Oh, come on, just because you want someone to face life in prison doesn't mean you want them to get the death penalty

yes! Funniest moment in weeks on this show

High comedy when the cops are waiting to get a "clear shot" to shoot both the two people there. That was pretty silly

In fact, in this case it could even help