
@dantebk  instead, it's suggesting a sinister group behind up to three realities, so that's ok?

HDMI from your laptop to your television?

Yes, it was bladder. Of course, males don't really have control of their bladder during intercourse, but I laughed.

Can't believe it took this long for that to be posted.

I'm familiar with the cookies (in Chicago) never heard of the man before that.

She's lost a ton of weight. And her breasts are almost certainly much smaller at this point.

And what the hell happened to her? She looks terrible!

Yes, the Lost finale was the worst finale I've ever seen that was written as a finale. Just a disgraceful performance by the show-runners.

And pretended that it hadn't had those aims in the first seasons.

Lost doesn't even get an F for that, they get an incomplete, never even tried.

Oh, and remember how Chuck ended the series happily forever with that chick from the deli, pretending Sarah never existed? Just like Lost!

Given that the series plot basically hinged on him working, "not fucking up the finale" doesn't really cut it.

I must have missed the episode where Awesome killed himself, orphaning their child, in order to make a pointless gesture of love for Ellie.

It's like a $25 bit and it's not even that good

I'm basically Chuck's age and Derek was born a few weeks before my mother. She didn't really work very well chronologically.

Accidentally switched to FOX a minute ago and Glee was on. First time I've seen any part of an episode outside of ads, and the three words I heard before changing the channel were "went to regionals"

That happens when you're young and people try to avoid sexualizing you.

Yeah, it was probably the best thing they could do with that pair at this point

Yeah, Hamill was in Zoom

Well, by that standard, Chuck vs the Colonel and Chuck vs The Ring ended the series years ago.