Infiniti CH Dino

Don’t forget they have a 400 hp version also. The 300 hp version has got to be seriously de-tuned for a better price point.

I would just like to take credit as the person who found the dickbutt and posted it on reddit about 9 hours ago. Here is a link to the post:

Butbutbut... it makes a “J”.

Whatever knobhead at Jaguar came up with this should be falconpunched in the ballsack.

Where you park your G Wagen...

Interior color palette called NO ADMITTANCE FOR YOUR FUCKING KIDS!


My Mercedes, with parking sensors front and rear, had the same problem. Sometimes it would work, sometimes it wouldn't. The solution? Scan it, figure out which sensor is busted, and re-seat the wiring. Over time, with cold, rain, and salt, the connection on the back of the sensor, behind the bumper, becomes less and

DeMuro, I blame you for this...

If his tire pressure was correct, that would be possible, but with off like that, there's no chance of saving it

And Jalopnik, the biggest of them all.

Ah, carbon monoxide poisoning from the one vehicle that I constantly have to tell people isn't full electric. I may have shed a tear reading this.

We programed it to protect the environment at all costs. We never expected its calculated solution would be our extinction.

I want a Forward Control double cab with portal axle:

A brown Manuel? Que bueno!

I think you could all fit comfortably inside a single Gencoupe! ;)

It moves.

It moves.

Best looking car Infiniti has ever made.