
She probably did...

So it seems...


Fascinating, thanks for sharing!

Yes, sadly, it is...

It definitely is a sign of a good read!  

Great title! Well-written, too.

Seeing someone like that in person would be an unnerving experience indeed.

Sometimes, the boundary between messed up and out-of-this world gets blurred. While scientist-materialists scoff and laugh at anything outside of the known paradigm, we’re essentially traveling through infinity... so how can anyone condense infinity to a single belief system? Anything is possible, it seems, given the

Well-written! It feels, as though I’m there with you, observing your reactions. You articulate the emotional side really well, it paints a clear picture of what’s happening to you not just on an intellectual level, but also on your emotional level. 

Awesomely written!

A well-writen story! 

There’s an infinitesimal chance she’s right, in which case it’d suck.. infinitely. 

It’s unexpected, that’s for sure, I didn’t know what’s she’s gonna do, but no need to apologize for your fellow countrymen :) Thanks for the comment! 

I was visiting NYC from Poland a year ago. It’s my first time in the U.S. I was curious to see the Big Apple. My long-lost family lived somewhere in NJ, but I didn’t know anything about them. While I was certainly impressed by the city architecture, there was an experience that stuck with me more than anything. It was