The Corvette, reportedly stolen over 20 years ago
The Corvette, reportedly stolen over 20 years ago
Any woman who can successfully harness the power of Nerd Rage and turn it into a fountain of cash for her own benefit gets respect from me.
You act like affording a Corvette is difficult. I bought mine at 24 for 9.5k. Corvettes are not exotic or special.
Yesssss. Another article where a bunch of people angry that they’ll never be able to afford a Corvette tell us all the faults of the new Corvette before it’s actually released!
“I am shook”
No. I think she has nice boobies
‘94 - ‘95 had a 4.9 Windsor; the 4.6 didn’t come until the next year.
Is it really that hard to find somebody who actually likes the series to review it? Neither AV Club or IO9 (back when they actually did reviews and weren’t a pale, sad imitation of what they used to be) can seem to manage it.
This article reads like a bunch of projection to me... Why are we even writing articles about this movie? It sucked. I would respect the author’s opinion if the piece had been framed “This was a dumb movie produced by a focus group of dumb well intentioned white people.” But to write about this movie as if it’s this…
I think the rush to respond is more to say stfu. I know you gotta sell word space to make a living but people get it. White people are the devil. Black people are good. Media has told us in a million different clever ways. Movies, talk shows, sitcoms, rap music. For God’s sake, even the country music Awards the last…
As well as those oblivious to the many people of color being predjudiced....
Jesse James is a Nazi? Please explain. Simply being white and enjoying firearms does not make you a racist if those were your examples.
- If you have barely any Native blood in you and you mark down that you are Native American, that is a bad sign that you’re using your small percentage of ancestry to claim some other status. If I were to claim I was German, even though I actually am half German or there abouts, it would be foolish because I don’t…
I’m done with that hero busllshit. They aren’t fighting for our freedoms, even if they think they are. It is a dangerous job, but they are not serving for us. They serve at the behest of arms manufacturers and oil regimes.
Your use of an eye for an eye suggests you’re not smart in this particular case
As an actual warrior who owns a keyboard: thank me for my service, byatch.
Yeah he totally signed up for money, power and greed. There was even a check box on the forms he filled out when he signed up that specifically said “You are doing this for the corporate overlords.”
You obviously have no member of your family in the armed services. I do, as well as a few friends, and they do not joint…
Here are two policies that you should follow.
- Audi recommended interval to replace timing belt is 100K and 75K in some instances. Therefore, yes, general maintenance. Replacing hoses in my book is general maintenance, specially if they last 5 years.