
I say the blame should go to the idiot who gave those things opposable thumbs. Ability to use tools - ability to calculate devaluation resulting from impromptu modification of valuable items = anarchy.

Surely this is satire, because nobody is this stupid. She was clearly being cute with her characterization of the cat and, well, the rest of your post reads like a letter from the current president to Nancy Pelosi. Go play with your Legos, little guy.

I wasn't being hyperbolic. I hope you were.

If riding a bus is Nirvana to you, I... that is such an insane, disgusting, foreign thought that I cannot compose a cogent metaphor. You understand this website is intended primarily for motorists, right? Pushing public transportation is only going to make normal people dig in against you.

In almost 100% of automobile crashes, a speed differential is the cause. Police officers will usually tell people to drive the same speed as surrounding traffic. It sounds odd because we’re conditioned to think of cops as pedantic, mindless tools of a black and white legal system, but their primary duty is public

Two DUI’s what? How can a DUI own something? Hmm, since you have two DUIs and are thereby a goddamn idiot, I suppose it’s also likely you don’t understand one of the most vary basic rules of English; apostrophes are not to be used to indicate plurality. Moron.

Oddly? It’s a video game, not a spreadsheet. I'm not using a controller to compose this exasperated reply. Is that odd?

It is bizarre to read an article about this and see no mention of the movies. I guess I’m just that old, but The Cannonball Run is a bad movie with Burt Reynolds and Jackie Chan first, and real-life idiot morons trying to kill themselves and others second.

The final words of the quote in question make it clear the organization will not recognize a car as “historic” while it uses an electric motor. 

Ah. That would be true had you punctuated it correctly. Without a comma between the words, we have an adjective followed by a noun. As written, the phrase presents a tiger that is easy. Think, type, read, publish.

They ran the engines until they were out of fuel. It’s likely what we saw was the result of not all of the thrusters shutting down at the same time. Brief vectored thrust would cause a ship to tumble.

If you’re saying stealing is gross, I totally agree with you. Well said.

I do not know what “easy tiger” means. Is it a regional idiom? Family joke? Strange thing to form an entire introductory sentence out of.

Prove to whom? And why? If someone wants to spend half his yearly salary on a game, who's to stop him? It seems foolish, probably to most people, but it sounds like you're proposing someone with legal authority be tasked to ensure the player isn't overspending on something he enjoys. That's not how freedom works.

Assuming the guy isn’t the victim of unauthorized use of his device...

Your second “sentence” is gibberish. Google the term “comma”. I know it probably is an unfamiliar word to you, but I assure you, it is a useful one to know.

I assume the screen cap is of something you posted. You’re seemingly a professional writer who published a fourth-grade level social media post. I wouldn’t trust you with food preparation. It probably wouldn’t hurt to run your future posts by whomever edited the first paragraph of this article (which is as far as I

What is “cable”?

YouTube only has commercials if you’re using the standard version. I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube since, like, forever. Switch to Google Play Music from whatever second-rate service you’re using for music and you’ll get YouTube Red included in the price. No ads.

I was full-on into Star Wars when I first saw the trailer. I had memorized the movies and read every novel that had been published. I did not, however, follow Star Wars in the real world.