While people who play video games hunched over a mouse and keyboard are weird and creepy, they aren’t monsters.
While people who play video games hunched over a mouse and keyboard are weird and creepy, they aren’t monsters.
I don’t. Communists cannot be persuaded that freedom is better than oppression. I have no desire to sway anyone’s opinion. I simply find it cathartic to share my views now and then.
What is that thick black line originating at the middle of the top surface? Is... it that a data cable? Can’t be. Must be a lanyard.
Asking is fine. Taxing is not asking.
That kind of thinking leads to communism. Communism is bad, right?
Tough ****! Get a better job or stop complaining. It’s my fault I’m poor and my life sucks. Why on Earth should I make it the problem of people who have made something of their life?
How is it fair to take a higher percentage from someone because they are more successful? I am very poor, always will be, and it is repugnant to me that successful people shoulder most of the tax burden. That is socialism. Socialism restricts freedom. Freedom is the most important aspect of our society.
The fruit computers are just for watching YouTube videos of monkeys being hit in the face with pies.
I ran Bioshock on my HP Spectre. It has an i5 and the game ran okay at low settings. Also, Mark of the Ninja will run on just about anything.
Timothy Zahn created Coruscant for the books he wrote. It was sometime in the nineties, I think. It’s one of the few things the movies took from the books. Coruscant wasn’t mentioned in a movie until The Phantom Menace.
Oh, come on. That was just some random car, probably on hand for anyone who needs it. Didn’t it have lights on the roof? He probably borrowed it from the security guard.
I’m left-handed and always hold a sword in my right hand. Same with a handgun. I shoot a bow right handed, too... and hold a broom, play guitar, shoot a rifle, type on my phone...
Please, please tell me that none of those display modes stretches the original 4:3 video signal to 16:9 like an improperly set up television at a bar.
The real villains here are those responsible for giving us Hilary Clinton as the only other option. Literally any other person in the country could have beaten Donald Trump.
You redownloaded all your Steam games? You can back them up on a separate hard drive, then copy the ones you want to run on the SSD to the SSD on demand. Steam will check your games folder when you start a download. If the game is already there, Steam will only download what it needs to make the game current with any…