Parler/Truth Social/Twitter Blue
This is exactly something a spider would say.
I might be dumb here, and I probably am, but both of these methods seem highly targeted to an individual and Johnny Silverhands isn’t breaching ma and pa’s phone just for the lulz.
Was the cipher key NAKAMA?
When was the last time Spider-man was on an Xbox?
The FaZe Clan sub costs 5 times as much as FaZe Clan stock. use the pads for packing THEN you use them for cleaning your new place.
Taken down or getting hammered. Either way I need it and can’t have it.
Don’t Teslas already blow up on their own?
So now its truly free to play.
Tell us you’re a crypto bro without telling us you’re a crypto bro.
So separate but equal, eh?
I also enjoy playing that hot new game “Downloading Updates”
Remember when Ubi was cool and you unlocked points to buy bonus stuff in any of their games just by playing their games? Now you have to burn down a rainforest to unlock that achievement.