Oh yeah, don’t forget your free beef. Pretty sure that is still a thing.
Oh yeah, don’t forget your free beef. Pretty sure that is still a thing.
As a long-time Oregonian I can tell with with certainty that you don’t want to go to Les Schwab without being ready for a good haggle. They are primarily concerned with selling add-ons and telling you you need new brakes. Not just pads but the whole shebang. Oh, and they can’t sell you new tires without doing the…
I am sorry to inform you of your failure to correctly answer this question. For the correct answer please refer the the E46 M3.
I thought they did have a PC port of midnight club racing? I know I played a lot of midnight club something or other on PC years ago. It was great. Maybe it was all just a dream...
While relaxing in your capsule hotel did you run across a woman who wouldn’t take off her sunglasses and had razors under her fingernails?
While I would tend to agree with you, my e46 M3 began life with a nearly-correct 333 horsepower, which turned out to be inadequate. Instead, the supercharger-provided 400+ horsepower allows spirited driving on winding back roads with brief bursts of neck-straining acceleration and throttle induced oversteer necessary…
What drives people to even want loot boxes? They don’t provide any gameplay advantage do they? You just spend a bunch of time you could be playing dressing up your game doll. Use them to buy me overwatch so I can play. I won’t even use any of my loot boxes. Can I give them away? You can have them.
how about the wifi notification that pops up every time you run across all of your neighbors access points as you walk through your neighborhood? They seem to be connected to all android system apps and cannot be turned off by themselves.
It’s Craigslist. People are there to buy things cheap. Most of them don’t know much about cars or the importance of preventive maintenance. Compound that with the fact that many sellers think there used econobox with 120,000 miles is a low-mileage pile of gold. If you want closer to what you feel it is worth you might…
Beastie Boys rule. Paul’s Boutique is one of the best rap albums of all time and everyone that thinks otherwise can go home and cry to their mama’s.
This is key. Just looking at “speedy” makes me smile. We considered selling it as it’s not the most practical car in the world, but my children said it was part of the family now and we had to keep it. That comes from the ones that have to occupy the back seats of a supercharged E46 M3. My wife tells me it’s a stupid…
I also suffer from mystery squeak. In my case it happens to be a supercharged e46 M3 that makes a high pitched squeal (imagine your little sister screaming at the very top of her register where it’s just turning into that silent hissing) when gently on the throttle accelerating through right around 3000 rpm. It sounds…
Did you consider a 4 point lift? Just wondering if you had some pros and cons associated with both that made you choose one over the other?
There are a few things that could make this plane thing feasible. The fuel expense seems over-stated. I doubt anyone is going on a six hour flight in a 172 and still having a good time. I’d go with more like 2 hours per flight unless you are planning a long cross-country. The big one is can you claim the plane as a…
BMW E46 M3. Mine happened to come with some tasteful modifications from Dinan and a few less pleasant ones from the owners dog. For $15250 I ended up with a 470hp go-kart that’s comfortable drive 500+ miles at a stretch. After I finish spending countless hours of labor and another $500 installing a reinforcement kit,…
I make approaches to ships in a helicopter all the time and I can tell you without a doubt that guy was coming in way too hot and shallow. Rushing an approach to a pitching and rolling object that’s moving along at 12 knots or so is not something you want to rush.
My primary concern is that the New WRX drivetrain has no DCCD and it has a cable-actuated shifter (which may be less robust than the old 5-speed as it appears they have squeezed an extra gear into the old housing). The old STI still beats the new WRX lap times as well. Although the more I look at used STI’s, the more…
What are your thoughts on the 2008 gen STI vs the new Wrx? They are pretty close in price but I am leaning towards STI with its DCCD and linkage derived 6 speed. Plus the STI is on the cheaper end.