
Do you mind sharing what brand/model mattress you bought?

Do you mind sharing what brand/model mattress you bought?

These vacuums are garbage. I’ve made the mistake of owning two, with two different types of batteries. Batteries die within 2-3 months of ownership and mild use (and are not replaceable)

These vacuums are garbage. I’ve made the mistake of owning two, with two different types of batteries. Batteries die

Is it possible he’s resigning now so that the other candidate (Jordanian Prince or whatever) was not the defacto president as he was the only other candidate running against Blatter?

Is there a tangible benefit to using Tyvek vs just using a large Tarp?

Great review. Thanks

The digital tire gauge shows $10.77; not $3 at Amazon

The digital tire gauge shows $10.77; not $3 at Amazon...