
So, would this be a ghost-in-the-shell-writer?

I understand what Cage is trying to do, but given the narrative choices he’s made, it seems kind of odd.

First off, setting it in Detroit, which has become a symbol for... well, almost anything you want now. Outsourcing? Free trade? Income or racial inequality? The death of the American Dream? Not saying Cage has to

...yeah, no, sorry, fuck you Bethesda.

This is why trademarks over common words are stupid :|


Yeah, I quit watching Walking Dead because of how good Westworld is. I realized that the “empty mystery boxes” are a crutch for bad writing and appeal to our more base nature.

You know I really do agree with you, but considering the planning that’s gone into this show (they actually already know how the entire story line will play out, and the fact that it’s only 10 episodes, really kinda pisses me off. It really shouldn’t take that long. I bet it’s a fall release too, making nearly a solid

This is good. This is reasonable and lively debate- may be the only way to ever reach people like her. Yelling at her and screaming “YOU BITCH YOU BITCH YOURE A RACIST FUCKWAD” will never make someone like Tami Tahren question how she views the world or change her opinions.

Okay, bear with me, but I have a few ideas to pitch:

I recently started started dating someone [holds for applause] *thank you thank you* whose ex was a gun enthusiast. She told me that he got his permit while they were dating, and shortly thereafter began carrying a concealed handgun on him at all times. He would have it with him on dates, bring it with him to dinner,

I bet most of the original actors would be happy to voice their characters.

Sadly, the costumes are probably the strongest part of the show. (Yet, I watch every week, like a sucker.)

We’ve already seen what happens if they went in a good direction with this. It’s called Fables.

We love it when our favorite sites get a hold of our work. Thanks!

My clones agreed I needed to go.

I’ve got your nose, stop screaming

“Croatoan,” the abandoned station kept repeating.

The ships computer no longer cared.

I peaked. I shouldn’t have peaked.

There was nothing. Then suddenly, everything.