Now he’ll sign with the goddamn Patriots and we all won’t be laughing anymore.
Now he’ll sign with the goddamn Patriots and we all won’t be laughing anymore.
Serial had an interesting episode on city settlement offers and how frequently the offers are lowballs. The offers rely on strapped finances, poor representation and a long court process to get accepted even when a victim has a great case.
Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
At least he finally went full Nazi with “the Immigration Question”.
You’re scared of brown people, tomato.
The beautiful thing about language evolving is that ‘proper’ grammar doesn’t really matter all that much if you’re understood by the masses. The house example is perfect, since “The house comprises seven rooms” sounds stupid and virtually no one speaks like that any more. So is it really correct?
Your grandpa sounds like a pretty cool guy
I mean, that’s a pretty standard response to anyone who asks if they can bring their kid to your wedding, when it clearly says no children on the invite. Don’t care if you’re a Cousin, no kids!
So on Monday can we expect to see Worst Foods to Barf?
I'm all for spelling, punctuation, and effective sentence structure.
Probably because we only have a strong economy on paper, on the ground it is shit. The economic figures have been massaged to make politicians look better for the polls, but on the ground it is insecure, low paid, and short term jobs which people need to work two or three at a time just to keep their heads above water.…
I hope he beats this
Yeah, Hudson’s case does not seem like a good one to hold up as an exemplar of this particular rule and how it should work/benefit athletes. If anything, it does sort of support Harbaugh’s case that the rule could be misused or manipulated. I’m not saying Hudson doesn’t have depression, just that the sum total of his…
What am I missing here?
“if they have to move within 100 miles of their home for mental health reasons”
this is the worst take
You’re nailing this. The solution, as always, is to skew toward an older, politically disinterested audience who will definitely keep your company relevant in the years to come.