They always get caught for these “minor” violations because they have strict protocols to defeat the tests for their more serious PEDs. It’s much easier to goof up and take too much of something you have a therapeutic use exemption for.
They always get caught for these “minor” violations because they have strict protocols to defeat the tests for their more serious PEDs. It’s much easier to goof up and take too much of something you have a therapeutic use exemption for.
How was Kevin Durant not even nominated?
Honestly, let them have it. Atlanta screwed themselves and every Pats hater so hard I have a hard time imagining that tattoo ever being irrelevant.
Honestly, that’s just what Steph sounds like.
There has to be some serious cocaine involved here right?
Starred for the attendance shade.
I’m back in school as an adult with a bunch of 20 year olds, and this conversation sounds a lot more like them blowing off steam during a rough time than them hatching some sort of nefarious plot.
Hell, just about every group text with my roommates would automatically disqualify any of us from ever running for office.
Time for you to bone up on your hot dog etiquette you monster.
I get it. We’re all jaded from the internet, but just stop for a second and think. If it’s a made up story then he gets some bogus internet points. If it’s true then you’re being a real dick. Is it really worth the trutherism? Save your skepticism for something that matters.
Autonomous cars can outperform humans even when humans are on the road. They don’t need to coordinate with each other via direct communication. They use radars that can see around corners and into blind spots and react in nanoseconds compared to ~150ms.
Diced tomatoes are love! Diced tomatoes are life!
Do you use oil or non-stick cooking spray? Pure oil or butter never works for me. The sprays have soy lecithin which takes the non-stick properties to an entirely different level. The canola spray I use only has three ingredients: canola, soy lecithin and alcohol (for clarity). You can get butter and coconut oil…
Huh? What makes you say that? From their website, “The BISTRO Burr Grinder crushes beans between stainless steel conical burrs.”
Huh? What makes you say that? From their website, “The BISTRO Burr Grinder crushes beans between stainless steel…
Choice is not the same as freedom. The league presents superstars with two garbage choices. Take an already below market value max contract and play on a shitty team or take an extra pay cut on top of that and play on a championship caliber team.
I can’t stop watching this. It blows my mind every time I hit repeat.
So many terrible personalities to put underneath being hit by a bus, but I’ll submit Jason Blaha for the bottom.
Björnsson is just being a sore loser. The winner, Eddie Hall, competed in that event after Hafþór and appeared to have more gas in the tank when he topped Björnsson’s score by one rep. In Strongman, there are no extra points beyond first-place in an event so he stopped.
Hmm, that’s weird because the flags and ejections seem to conflict with your point of view. In the second clip, the ball was out of bounds. Did you even watch either one?