Yep, hell is other people / the whole reason we exist is to know and love one another. We’re god’s Netflix, basically.
Yep, hell is other people / the whole reason we exist is to know and love one another. We’re god’s Netflix, basically.
I am a 44 year old white man, born and raised in the Suburbs.
He clearly should have been watching more Investigation Discovery.
Teachers Episode iv: A New Wage
Come on man! How can you talk about Fighbird, and not show Fighbird?
Another case of Asimov’s Cult of Ignorance - “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
Louder for the back row!
We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
He’s got one of those mouth shapes no one ever chooses in Skyrim.
They took one look at her apology and said “Neighhhh!”
Man, Carol Channing looks really good for 97!
Cant afford:
Shouldn’t we, as progressives, identify, define, and then destroy, our enemies? I am tired of pretending like understanding the other side matters. They are wrong and need to be brought to heel.
It is terrifying that is literally what they want. Like they literally want to trigger the end of the world because they think that is what their God wants them to do. Which is insane. There is nowhere in the Bible where it says “Thou shalt foment nuclear war.” Even the parts where it talks about the world ending and…
I am a pro-business Democrat and I think this bill is fucking insane.
I do not get the woody Allen Hollywood circle jerk. OR roman Polanski.
Oh my god! This is the Massacre at Bowling Green that Kellyanne Conwoman was talking about! She can see the future!
He’s been accused(by me) of not really deserving the Oscar for The Revenant, but actually deserved it for What’s eating Gilbert Grape all those years ago. And also not marrying Kate Winslet when when he had the chance, cause their love for each other is undeniable.
We are technologists in my house and that is why I refuse to buy any of that smart crap. I would like to preserve the privacy I still have. Also I read a novel where the killer was killing people by hacking smart appliances and we know black people are the first ones to die so that’s a hard no.