
They're long, but actually not as large by beam-width or displacement weight as most super-tankers, or even some of the larger passenger cruise ships. i.e., they can fit (barely) through the suez or panama canals.

Neutral: Is CARB Right? CARB isn't always popular around enthusiast circles, but are they right about this? Are they helping automakers by forcing them to make the cars they're going to have to make anyways? Or are they forcing automakers to create a supply where there isn't enough demand?

The '60s called. They want their trucklet back.

captured the flag!

Looks like plywood styling bucks. Not really very useful, even if they might be neat to look at. By the late '80s, you're probably talking about a wooden box with chiseled styrofoam panels glued on and painted. (hence why one is overturned)

Mr. Foley, if I ever run into you, I need to remember that I owe you a beer or two. You're writing some of my very favorite articles right now.

After a number of people I went to school with were involved in some racing operations as engineers, I understand it that the "good ol' boys" run the show. NASCAR inspection staff is just like an MLB referee... they have the ultimate say on the spot, and there's no judge review or re-play analysis. They flag anything


Plus, you know, Toronado 455cid front wheel drive and air bogey-wheel suspension.

I checked the V'waggin. It's between 2 and 4 times more expensive than the coverage on both of my current vehicles combined... so I'm going to pass until I hit the next magic age breakpoint: 30+

It'd be $7,500 asking price if it were a Bonneville.

0/10 not worth trolling

Seriously, though, this guy's job seems pretty amazing, and those are incredible machines. It's very hard not to read them as animals in your mind, especially with the way they keep them in those cages when testing.

I meant to imply that, I guess.

I couldn't afford the insurance to privately own toys like that anyway ;_;

Remind me to move to Michigan and become an engineer, please.

Any 'included' scheduled maintenance plan. Good luck getting scheduled on your mileage windows unless you have a second car or can nag your way into a loaner.

This. Although my corvair sounds pretty close (and a Honda CB-X is almost a dead ringer for a porsche flat 6)

But the MD-80 is like the bus-sized honda civic of airliners... No one really wants to be in/seen in it, but it works and is cheap as hell.

Not sure you could still get $99 tickets to Las Vegas if it weren't for these things.

If I make a music video, I need to remember to troll jalopnik with it. Free hits on the yootoob

what do these speed holes in the sides do?

This is where the big stack of data I claim to have would be if I actually had it and released it in a timely fashion instead of tweeting about it for a few days and hoping the media fervor dies down.