
Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.

Yeah I mean I feel like this lady thought she’d get more intrigue by a click baity title. There’s nothing inherently feminist about abstinence, in fact I’d say if your motivation is based on a commandment from a patriarchal religion then there’s an argument to be made that it is not feminist at all. I really don’t


Trump is an asshole scam artist, but I honestly don’t give a shit if these people get paid or not because they chose to perform for the benefit of an odious slimeball.

lol yah riiiiiiiiiiiight like anyone believes that TOM is the one who wanted to be public. sure.

So...she wanted the relationship to be more Loki.

And I *JUST* got engaged Sunday evening. FUCK! I knew I should’ve held out a little longer...

I agree, I get that academically he’s miles ahead of his peers but school is also about socialization which I’m guessing this kid missed out big on. My mom teachers first grade and one year she had a genius like him (he was in the process of patenting a car design at SIX) but his parents wanted him to move through the

He’s joining a frat. So there’s at least people who act his age to hang out with.

He chose Cornell and we’re calling him a genius?

This trolling post is beautifully subtle satire. Tomato face level meta.

It can sometimes feel like a pretty lonely road. But Aaron Sorkin has this quote—I’m a pretty big Sorkin fan—

Oh for fuck’s sake. Prosecutors don’t look for truth, they look for convictions.

Fuck this asshole. My daughter is autistic. She has been autistic since she was born. I knew there was something different long before she got the MMR vaccine. My daughter being autistic is just who she is. She sees and processed the world differently. That’s okay. I wouldn’t change her even if I could. To me it

Wow, she really nailed him.

I hate her so, so much. Like as much as I hate cancer and Nazis.

“It’s OK, he wasn’t mocking that journalist, he was mocking *all* disabled people! Stop being so sensitive!”

It's astounding to me how people so mean and actually ignorant achieve great success.

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.