
You're absolutely right about the mixed messages us fat girls get. I try to keep the mindset of aiming towards healthier choices while not sweating it if I have something that is "bad" for me. The one thing I am big on is eating real, whole foods. If I'm having something bad for me, it's going to have real butter

A paste of baking soda and water cleans up most any stuck on mess. It leaves your stainless super shiny too! Cheaper and more environmentally friendly. If the baking soda paste doesn't do the trick, a paste of table salt and water most certainly will. They don't scratch the surface either.

The thing about all of these cheats is that when too many people start using them the stores will have to make more stringent rules to fight them as many of them cost the store money. Obviously the ones mandated by law won't go away. Seriously, though, if you want to shop at Costco then buy a membership. There are

Wegman's sells a bulk sized bag of quinoa too and its price did the same thing. I thought maybe I was just not remembering the price correctly (I only bought it once), but your post has me thinking that its price as a commodity must have gone up significantly. I wonder why?

My baby was stretched out too-head down in my pelvis, feet in my ribs the whole time. I had to constantly tell people I was pregnant b/c it was not obvious at all, even at the end. And he was 9 lbs at 37 weeks (estimated at 7 lbs 2 oz earlier that week, what a surprise!). That being said, I had a miserable

I did appreciate your comment and figured you did not see the parenthesis. My guess is you saw breast is best and it dragged up all the ill-feelings from the crazies, so you missed that part (I've been known to do the same thing, it's only human). That's why I felt it important to reply. I don't think anyone should

What about when you forget the blanket cause you're sleep deprived? Should my baby starve and scream b/c I forgot the blanket? Also, I'm pretty sure more people notice I'm feeding him when I use the blanket than when I don't. What are you doing with that blanket vs. hey, you're holding a baby.

I'm really annoyed. I wrote a legitimate and reasoned response to the comments on this post but it was dismissed because I stated that breast milk is best for babies (a scientifically accurate statement that was relevant to my point). I made a point to add in parenthesis that there was no guilt in using formula, but

To be frank, I am more self-conscious of my fat, unflattering tummy hanging out than having the top skin of one breast showing. I would be exposing way more of my body by lifting my shirt up (I have a long torso so baby wouldn't cover much). My tops are all crossover v's that simply move aside or gathered elastic

2 points:

I should add, that the technique works for adults too. I'm a picky eater and my husband is worse, but we switched over to whole grains by using the multiple tries method. At first the whole grain stuff tasted terrible and we hated the texture, but the more we tried it, the more we got used to it, and now we love it!

Your technique is absolutely correct! Kids need to see a food many times before they will try it and try it many times before they know if they like it. So says the research on this topic. not forcing it is key though, because that just creates aversion.

I definitely agree with you. And maybe the issue is more the media, but the sex message gets communicated more loudly than the talent message for Rhianna and Miley's foray into attention-seeking behavior also drowns out the message of her talent. I like your example of Christina, because even when she was declaring

You may be right, but as someone who doesn't pay close attention to Rhiana, the only message I get (or at least the dominating message) is all about sex. I don't think that is empowering. I think it puts her in a box and adds to a screwed-up culture that sends the message women are just for sex, rather than women can

Granted, I didn't read the whole article, and I may just be incredibly naive, but I didn't see that at all in her comment. There is a difference in the intent of the outfits. Scout's is more oriented to normalizing seeing the naked body and making it not always a sexual thing whenever it appears. Whereas Rhiana

I think the key is trying lots of brand until you find the one that works with your body's natural scent. For me, nothing really worked until I found Aubrey Organics E Plus High C. It's more expensive than other options, but it is the only thing that is natural that works for me and the bottle does last a while. I

I never thought of the weight thing. That makes sense. I wish I had another solution that could help you...the only other thing I can think of is the diva cup. My cramps did get a little less awful when I started using a diva cup. It didn't make them go away, but they lessened enough that the meds and heat could

My doc suggested naproxin (aleve, but I buy generic) and that helped tremendously if I take 2, 1 isn't enough. Also, an electric heat pad or the thermacare heat pads might be more effective than the microwave kind as they keep the higher temp. longer. The thermacare really work, although they take a half hour to get

I just wish they'd stop using different spellings. As a teacher, I can deal with having kids with the same name, but trying to remember all of the different spellings is frustrating, especially when they don't make sense. Spelling your kid's name wrong doesn't make it unique, it just makes it misspelled for life.

I'm reading all of these comments as I hold my 4 week old baby boy and one thing comes to mind-expectation. The expectations of parenting these days is that your life revolves around your children and that they become your life. The other expectation is that by virtue of having children you will know what to do and