I hope EJ Johnson flies down on some sort of vintage Halston chinchilla cape and slaps that NW40 right off his dusty Very Special Glee Episode face.
I hope EJ Johnson flies down on some sort of vintage Halston chinchilla cape and slaps that NW40 right off his dusty Very Special Glee Episode face.
I want to live long enough to see preppers realize that a cellar full of guns and lifted pickup doesn’t actually prepare you for shit.
I just want to go in the initial blasts. White people are terrible enough before the apocalypse. They will be terrible when they run out of meth.
They don’t. These people are some of the most dangerous people out there. I blame them as much as I blame law enforcement and federal agents for harrassing people/getting people killed.
So her mistake was not fact checking her own parents? How often do you fact check the things they tell you about your family?
White America likes to overlook that detail in their stories of “standing up to Nazi Germany” that it was Nazi Germany who had to declare war on them to get them to fight at all, even after Pearl Harbor.
White people are acting like Nazi’s aren’t evil? I did Nazi that coming.
On point. Whiteness loves whiteness above all else. Whiteness understands whiteness. Is attracted to whiteness. Defends whiteness. Shares whiteness. And explains whiteness. That is what whites are taught from birth, from books, from tv, from movies, from schooling, from work, from neighborhoods, from family and loved…
Sadly, yes. I screenshot and ridicule if they’re gray.
There are plenty Americans who don’t understand the burning desire for a gun in every home, either. There are white people in this country who brag about bringing their guns to church, they have strutted around international airports brandishing their guns cuz ain’t no libruls takin’ away mah gunz, etc. The majority…
Every year I feel more and more like I’m turning into Uncle Junior. I done said and did everything you wrote about.
Why the shock? A school that neglected to protect the Black child of this woman isn’t going to have any more respect for the child’s Black mother doing what their asses refuse to do.
Yeah, I’m sure there was no racial motivation to committing biological warfare against “Jamaican Barbie.”
Oh brother, this is an eyeroll and a half. Everything has to be handled with kid gloves with white people. Coddling their already overstroked egos to try and make them less racist is probably not a winning strategy.
If you know your relatives are racist trash why turn up in the first place? It’s more of a statement surely to basically go “I don’t want to be seen with you” than going and having an over the table “debate” that, let’s be honest, probably won’t convince Trump voters they are very fucking wrong.
If they voted for Trump, they’re racist, even if they can’t see it.
Shit, we should have taken to the streets every day since the election. People wore pussy hats for one or two marches then called it a day, because hey, isn’t that enough “activism” for you?
I didn’t view my comments as victim shaming because I know that no matter what you wear, it NEVER gives anyone the right to harass or abuse you.
“Now, Subtle; let’s be professional...”