First, this is gross. Seems significantly worse than Al Franken’s issues. And the stealth way this was taken care of suggests that this could be a lot more widespread.
First, this is gross. Seems significantly worse than Al Franken’s issues. And the stealth way this was taken care of suggests that this could be a lot more widespread.
I can believe this, but wait: Mike Cernovich gave Buzzfeed the documents? Isn’t he a conspiracy theorist, an alt-right/white supremacist, and the guy behind the ‘white genocide’ movement? Surely we need a better, more credible source, right?
Term limits for congress would be a good start
I’ve lived in DC for longer than I like to think about. I’ve been through a few elections, inaugurations, and administrations. I was on the fringes of the fringes of the Clinton vs Obama primary. Let me clear my throat before breaking into the chorus “Donna Brazile is riiiiiiiiiiighhhtttt. She’s riigghhttt. She’s…
Who’s making mashed potatoes out of a box? Who’s mistreating your tastebuds like that??
You gonna need to go back in the greys homie.
That is the craziest, new agey-est thanksgiving menu I’ve ever seen.
Why? Why do you still need her to specifically speak out to you? Why is there always a caveat when Black feminists or feminist of color do something because you weren’t included. Welcome to it.
Very true.
A lot of those women saw themselves in lena and can’t grasp that they might be racist as fuck as well.
I literally just wrote this in the Dirt Bag thread but I’ll say it again. Lena is a white feminist. Her goal is to be equal to white men. She only cares about feminist issues as they relate to her and people like her. She has no desire to understand intersectionality. I’ve always found it annoying that Lena is…
He’s more poisonous than the blatantly chauvinistic, misogynoir guys because he he couches his evil ways in “enlightenment” and the veneer of open-mindedness. He’s sexist, colorist and hypocritical. Just three months ago, gossip sites called him out for lusting after Chanel Iman. His daughter Aoki (age 15) told him to…
Simmons has been around so long, I can’t remember why, but I’ve always thought of him as a creeper. I’m sure there are receipts all over the Internet.
I continually refuse to spend time with my coworkers in a social situation in the face of their continual invitations because they’re my coworkers and I’ve already spent 9-10 hours a day, five days a week WORKING with them. I do not want to spend any time socializing with them. Guess what gives me the wrong…
I would almost be shocked by this if I didn’t know that white women would show their fucking asses sooner than later. White women are out for themselves straight up and down. And we should have known because where was their outrage when Harvey came for Lupita? Nowhere. Because they do not care about Black women or any…
Now we can prove, once again, that not only are black men more likely to be imprisoned, they’re also more likely to sit behind bars for a far longer time.
In addition, two Chicago police officers who alleged they were blackballed for trying to expose Watts’ corruption years ago won a $2 million settlement in their whistleblower lawsuit.
So to summarize: White people historically behaved as barbarians. Despite the psychological torture it causes Black people, White people continue to practice barbarism and currently make costumes of our skin color to use as touchstones to relive the days when White people owned our bodies. I know you’re (rightly)…’re like many white Americans, then? Where the white people come from has no bearing on their racism, and to pretend it ever could is ridiculous.