
Love that shot of Poe’s X-Wing (with a NOS canister apparently) facing off against those huge FO ships!

He’s inside bread?

Can I just have Season 4 of Star Wars Rebels now please?

Does anyone know why Jeff Loeb is such a raging DICKhole all the time?

I hope you’re aware that they already did this. It was called the Young Indiana jones Chronicles.

What you listed are not at all the problems with it.

If there is a loving and just celestial god entity....Shania doesn’t exist in the Indy-verse.

Co=wrote with two other guys. So not entirely his work...and his filmography of writing is pretty solid otherwise.

This is a wonderful idea for how to work a reboot of this beloved series. Bravo!

Crystal Skull has some VERY specific problems, that are very glaring. But otherwise it’s not the worst premise, and you’re right it’s very much in line with what came before. And honestly, if they fixed those problems (one of which as sadly unfixable) then they’d have had a better film.