
Does Nintendo now own Marvel?

No multiplatform release? Like for PS4 and Xbox One?

I hate third-party console exclusive games. Why would they do this?

We should get more Japanese games for the console. Like Nier Automata.

Let’s fight to preserve the headphone jack!

I would love to play Nier Automata on the One X.

I would love to play Nier Automata on the One X.

Am I the only one still pleading for Nier Automata to come to Xbox One?

When is this game going to come to Xbox for f@cks sakes!

I wish I would play it. If this was on Xbox One like it was suppose to! Square! Platinum! Why can’tthis happen? I’m still waiting for this to happen! Please!

I wish I would play it. If this was on Xbox One like it was suppose to! Square Enix! Platinum! I’m still waiting for that to f*ckin happen!

I’m just waiting for a crossover with Overwatch at some point.