
I honestly don’t see how this is weird. If you want weird, look at Kojima’s obsession with putting as many celebrity faces in this games as possible. That is weird. Ian McShane narrating the DD2 trailer is just good marketing.

Well then take a gander at her left winger if the right one bothers you so much. I mean it's a little strange because usually they're a pair but whatever floats your boat.

Kind of a biased sample to base your conclusion on studies from Manhattan where car ownership is way lower than normal and most people get around via public transit or taxi/uber and Seattle that’s disproportionately populated with granola hippies who love bikes.

Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you represent the pinnacle of taste.  

Please read the bloody article. It only says the game is like GTA in how the open world setting can affect quests or freeplay.

Its an in-game reference, not a real world one.  Calm down.

They’ve been hands on deck patching the game constantly dealing with a ton of other, much more important issues. Like people actually being able to play at all, or crashes with weird hardware combos.

Yeah, I feel like the author did a disservice to readers by not informing them that one of the known issues since launch is ““Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor do not currently function as intended”

Cmon man you can’t expect the author to do research before writing an article

This is specifically why I rock light armor only for the time being. Speed and Stam regen work, but not armor.

Yes it’s still bugged but that doesn’t mean run light armor. The passive stats still work so yes run light if you want what it has, which I think is for stealth, but you can also run the surgeon armor for 2 extra stims, or the orange armor for 2 extra grenades.

No, because they’re not completing operations that then reduce efforts to liberate and defend planets—the meta-game, the war effort, is negatively affected for everybody.

did you read the article? it’s because min-max farming dweebs go into matchmaking and let their shitty behaviors harm the experience for others. i don’t care how someone plays in a private match, but it’s an objectively shitty experience trying to matchmake and landing in a lobby where you get kicked or griefed by

It’s Kotaku, we should be lucky they even played the game lmao.

Hurray, the armchair server architects are here!

Well, apart from all the mentions. Given 400,000 people were playing at once, most users could log in. However, yes, with the vast numbers of people, there have been issues, as mentioned.

After seeing what Netflix and other streaming services have done to the film industry, I’m not sure Gamepass is the future I want to support for this industry.


currently marred by technical issues and server problems

I love this game, despite the tons of bugs I’ve run into (matchmaking not working, hard crashes, not getting mission rewards, etc.).