
Funny how much of a deal this site made about Hogwarts player count dropping by much less than this after 6 months yet when its a game you don’t have a hate-on for it you say it doesn’t matter. You cant have it both ways.

I played in the last beta for it. Was the first time playing. It wasn’t what I was expecting. I’m surprised at how limiting it feels in comparison to Assassins Creed. They had it all down perfectly with Black Flag, and in this, they seemed to have simplified the whole thing. Walking around isn’t all that great. And

Really? The issue is they claim to have been working on the game for years, and yet, clearly, all they did was buy up assets in the last year to stitch together an extraction shooter, not an open-world zombie MMO like they had promised.

Is it just me, or in the last image does the front of the hill look weirdly photoshopped? Like on the right side a bunch of oddly straight lines or perfectly circular lines for what’s supposed to be just a pile of dirt? Wonder if someone had some OSHA violations they didn’t want showing up on the news?

Joel is in TLOU2 more than you’d think. There are quite a few flashbacks that will include him which are pivotal to the narrative. That being said I think Bella definitely proved her chops as she portrayed the attitude, vulnerability, and naivety of Ellie perfectly. It’ll be on her and Kaitlyn Dever (as Abby) to

Fortnite allows Zack to have one game installed. Inside that game, because of its nature, there are tons of different games he can play depending on his mood. If he wants to play a racing game tonight...he can jump into Fortnite and do just that. Wants to play something minecraftish? He can jump into Fortnite and do

She just needs to look like she’s spent a significant portion of her life training to beat the ever-loving shit out of the man who killed her father. She doesn’t need to be huge, just in very, very good shape. It’s important for us to believe that she was obsessed, not that she was necessarily born with the bone

Isn’t that a potential spoiler in the picture?

Lol Rockstar will never reach out to this nitwit, and you can’t expect to be compensated for looking like a useless twat, there’s no “owning” that or having rights to it. 

Call me crazy but this marketing vehicle gussied up as an award show is not where I care to hear takes regarding Middle East conflicts.

Kotaku’s derangement over this game is getting silly. At least this website will be gone soon.

I’m glad Roblox has a political content section of their terms. I really don’t want to explain to my kid why playing a game called “MAGA” or <something> Isreal/Pakistan isn’t appropriate.

It says you’re a Xbox fanboy.

Now playing

Maybe deep down I’m afraid of any apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it’s the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold-blooded fury, the bite force of 20,000 Newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hoofs.

Why did this article come back?

I have to concur - call a spade a fucking spade, Kotaku. I’m all here for supporting just causes to alleviate Palestinian civilians’ horrible situation - but never, ever qualify those who committed a callous massacre and publicized their own atrocities for major shock and horror value as a simple “political and

Just a couple things- “Hamas, an Islamic political and military organization governing the Gaza strip”- this whole thing should be replaced with terrorist organization. In this sentence- “..attacked Israel on October 7, killing nearly 1,500 people” I’d expand and write “..attacked Israel on October 7, decapitating,

I’m just here to laugh at that fucking $70 usb-c cable. Apple fans are more gullible than audiophiles when it comes to snake oil accessories lol

Don’t steam reviews at least qualify your feedback a bit by your hours on record?  So you can at least get some gauge about how much someone evaluated a product before reviewing.