
Carolyn, you really need to relax. You are reading WAY too deep into some of this shit. I get it, it’s cool to be on the Rowling hate train and Kotaku loves stirring up unnecessary controversies, but it’s okay to enjoy video games, even controversial ones, without the baggage of social commentary and toxic social

“Dummies Guide To: How Much Can We Milk the Harry Potter Controversy For Clicks”.

I’ve never heard a man be told to go back to the kitchen or make them a sandwich

Just out of curiosity, what are we calling poor battery life these days? I’ve had a Ps5 since launch window and I’ve never even thought about my battery, and that was during some pandemic-era gaming sessions too! True, I am in the habit of charging it between every play session (sprung for the dock) but I wasn’t aware

That person behind you didn’t just drop out of the sky. They drove up to you meaning they are going faster. Let them through because you have no idea what’s going on in their life and why they need to be traveling at that speed. If more people thought about trying not to impede the progress of others, traffic would

Fixed it, here:

That’s when you give your windscreen a thorough cleaning with a lot of washer fluid.

She did not miss that; it is in the article.

Living in a city, it’s amazing how often I see people driving around the city at night who have forgotten to turn their headlights on. Very often elderly.

OSHA would disapprove of the way I clean many of things but oh well.

This react, overreact, report and analyse cycle is exhausting.

When every studio and publisher has created their own platform and we’re expected to buy a subscription to all of them? Yes.

it’s not being held by duct, the game is just seriously complicated under the hood. things have been added piece meal to just get things up and out to players. kind of like.. game dev spaghetti code. but making changes down the line means if you mess something up, it can have a domino effect.

I guess its an adapted human, using human vocal chords.. if it infected a bat it’d be higher pitched. 😅

Spores still existing, but not being an active threat usually, fits with our interaction with fungi in the real world. Our lungs are really good at fighting off spores - we’re constantly inhaling them - they only generally become a threat if your immune system is compromised.

Our immune systems *aren’t* great at

Although the in-universe is echolocation, it’s also acted as the video-game plays notification that there was one in the immediate area. Without that audio cue, it would be impossible to know one was in the usually dark area. Also had the added benefit making the player tense and uneasy, knowing they would have to be

Can we get through more than one episode of a new show before we start this shit?

Run this with an article about why dialogue is mixed too quiet and all other things are mixed too loud and I’m set for the day.

The article is bad, but stopping something because you’re not liking/enjoying it is valid. Writing an entire angry article about a game played for 15 minutes however is unfair yes.

So, you just stopped after the intro because you didn’t like it? That seems a bit unfair. The intro accomplishes the two main things it sets out to do: