
It’s nothing that a few coats of white primer couldn’t fix.

Still 80-100k concurrents on Steam alone, plus however many on consoles. I imagine that will jump significantly when the new expansion launches too.

Now if only the Champion system would get changed and fixed. Being locked into guns I don’t like just to deal with champions and having a mod slot taken on top of that is super frustrating.

At least give a link to McMansion Hell....  come on.

Infinity QX80. Every time I see one I think “But why though?”. Nothing has changed on this aging dinosaur since 2011 other than the price.

Every time I hear them referred to as a luxury brand it pisses me off. They aren’t luxurious, just expensive.

Tesla.  You will never convince me that those cars are luxury.  Panel gaps I can see through, horrible interiors, “leather” that is just nasty, seats that suck, etc etc etc.

This isn’t even a story nor does it reflect badly on Paul, who is a dipshit.  He rehomed it properly to the horse ranch.  It was the OWNERS of the horse ranch that abandoned the pig.  Paul had nothing to do with the animal after dropping it off at the first ranch.

Oh how I loathe marketing people.

I am in total agreement of this article. This mode is one of the best modes I can remember playing in a long time in a shooter. Every round is different and can end in heroic fashion or total sadness. I would like them to do 2 things to improve gameplay:

I suspect that on the PS5 Returnal takes heavy advantage of the insanely fast storage and the GPU’s direct access to the SSD. While an NVMe SSD in a PC gets close, the SSD in the PS5 is still faster. To mimic the insanely fast SSD of the PS5 the game is loading more assets into RAM instead. The DirectStorage API in

It will always and forever be one of these.

A bit unnecessary to spoil a main plot point of the second game in an article for the TV series, no?

Good to know that when the world goes to crap it was safe to assume Ron Swanson would be a survivor. 

The real zombies were the friends we lost along the way.

haha what

Sound to me you’re an idiot.

I’m curious about your opinion that nobody should buy a $60 game, which seems out of context in the review - so do you think that games are overpriced as they are? Or that you should never buy new at release? Or was it just a strange way to say you didn’t think this particular game was worth the price of admission?

Cool! I just got one question:

Wait, how the fuck is everybody else holding up their shower curtain, because mine is rings all the way down.