
Really.... we’re comparing this to Y2K fears? People need to get lives outside of Twitter jfc.

How is this news? lol “Everyone thought twitter would shut down... but it didn’t... so nothing really happened... just a few people thought something and turned out to be wrong, as people often do, and it was never ‘everyone’ in the first place... happy thanksgiving folks.”

From what I hear it’s going to die on Monday

I got balled up in traffic for 30 minutes last night near Washington Dulles thanks to a Mustang driving tool taking out a few other cars in the rain.

One of the thieves drove off in a Ford Mustang, crashing it around 4:00 am. The car caught fire, and the driver died at the scene.”

The only thing more ridiculous than publishing a Reddit post of games to play at work as a life hack is publishing a 6-month-old Reddit post of games to play at work as a life hack

I dunno. Came down a sloped off-ramp going about 10 mph. About 50 feet ahead of me a car started a slow spin. So I let off the gas a little. Bad idea. It lost the little traction that was available where the highway department had directed runoff from an overpass that formed a lubricated ice patch. I did about 270

At this point, if you don’t understand if yoy are playing a ps4 vs ps5 version of a game, I’m convinced you also went to Ask Jeeves to take you to yahoo. 90% of the time it’s not difficult, convoluted or complicated. Smart delivery, while usually great, also takes any kind of choice away from you, so you are forced to

R: “Why are we wasting our time with this? There’s more important things to do!”

Until a defense spending amendment gets added to it...

Noped. Won’t do it for me.

Well, then I have no intention of changing my decision to never buy a new BMW. 

Ugly sucks and always will suck. There’s no controversy here. It looks like shit.

You want controversy? Here you go: sales will go down and you will lose your fans.

This is effectively a non-issue as the cybertruck is not a real vehicle and will likely never be produced.

Mustang, obvs

But there’s something especially funny about this in particular”

Is that a rebadged Kia/Hyundai? Sure looks like one.

I hate how manufacturers default to all black when it comes telling consumers that this is something more sporty. Black paint, black trim, black badges, black interior.

I am so over the obsession of ‘blacking everything out’ to make things look sporty. I know it’s been common practice for decades, but I feel like automakers have taken it to the next level these past few years. To me it just makes the car look more amorphous and generic, and this photo really just highlights how you