
What in, and I cannot stress this enough, the actual fuck are you talking about?

Wow, screw Kotaku for real this time. Fuck you.

it’s the preview sentence on the main page, you don’t even have to click anything. def a big spoiler IMO. my first thought was thank goodness i finished the anime already.

A lot of people picking up the game for the first time because of the anime.

Dude I’d say hes talking about how they spoiled the anime, literally the final episode spoiled completely with no warnings anyway. And I know “we’ll then why would you read this article if you haven’t finished it” some people just read article about stuff they’re watching and expect a fucking spoiler warning.

Thanks for the spoiler directly on the main page!

Hey, uh... thanks for the spoiler in the one-sentence preview on the homepage.

Not sure I see a parallel between using tools and being a capable driver. But even a capable driver can’t compensate for a shitbox that comes apart at speed. 

This “built not bought” shit. Don’t get me wrong, backyard skills and DIY is awesome. And everyone should learn a little maintenance knowledge at a minimum. But this notion that paying someone to do the job correctly makes you less of an enthusiast or even worse, a lesser person, needs to go away. If it’s money that

The unsactioned gathering is what draws these folks in. This guy was just the worst offender becuase he killed two people.  Please tell me what “other points of view” I should examine about having modded cars drag race in the middle of a small town with a lot of pedestrian traffic. 

This is a ridiculous rationalisation “They’re not abusing their power, they’re just blackmailing news broadcasters”? Consider the reaction if the whitehouse said “Sure, CNN, Fox, you can all come to the whitehouse briefings, but only if we can tell you how to report on it”’s the royals using Ordinary Royal Powers to censor the news.  That’s a little bit better, but not by a ton (and also, pretty much how this article presented it anyways).

Phoenix Digital Group also claims that an agent of Bungie purchased AimJunkies cheat software in 2020. The lawsuit states that Bungie violated AimJunkies’ terms of service by decompiling and reverse-engineering the code.”

I can genuinely say Kotaku’s writers over the past decade have been singularly the most amazing games journalists

I’m surprised they’re still having a single player mode at all, after having absolutely zero additional content for the single player in GTA5 after 9 years

I’d previously thought of ancient Greece as a stuffy and intellectual world because my main exposure to the country was through learning about it in public school. But Odyssey showed me that ancient Greeks could be fuckups.

Ghost of Tsushima was mostly a joyless slog

I realize this is a rude thing to say, but I don’t have a clear sense of how much Sisi Jiang knows about Japanese culture. I mean, I can’t necessarily speak of French or Dutch culture.

Man i did not expect GoT to catch so many strays. Beautiful game. One that asks whether dying with honor is better than living. At no point did I feel like it needed more romance or sex . I kinda expected Jin to end up with a female character at the end, but given all the death and fighting I liked that they didn’t

Ghost of Tsushima was superior to the most of the Assassin’s Creed games. The first few were good, then they lost their way.
If anything, they should take a good hard look at Tsushima and figure out how to improve on it.