
Here’s a complete list of all of the non-routine maintenance that I’ve had to do in almost 90k miles of driving my 435 hp 2015 Mustang GT:

One plus of high-performance Fords is that the engines are just normal engines turned up to 11, and so if you’re just driving them as normal cars they’re dead-reliable. I know somebody with 75k miles on a GT350 who’s had no engine troubles at all and no servicing outside of regular maintenance.

The grip tape is everything...respect.

Knowing some people still drive their cars warms the cockles of my heart. 

Ghost of Tsushima is probably already a better Assassin's Creed: Japan than Ubisoft is capable of making (saying as someone who quite enjoyed Odyssey and Valhalla).

I’d rather see lowriders cruise up and down Santa Clara all the time (which doesn’t even have that much traffic these days) than dealing with sideshows.

It’s a different set of people running the show and they have the full story from GRRM to work from this time, so apple and oranges there Doug.

LOL, wanker.

“...looking at the home on Google Street View (which is a good idea prior to making any rental booking).” <- how would you do this when you don’t have the address prior to the booking?

I’ll wait till I see actual gameplay, given that entire trailer is a cinematic.

Nobody buys a Corvette to go slow.

“Asshole records himself speeding around Mahattan.” Why is Jalopnik giving this BS attention. 

Can someone remind me when Jalopnik went from a cool car site into some pansy ass left wing skinny jeans blogger failure?

It seems half the articles and posters from here hate cars or anything to do with fun.

Yeah, this hed:

Clicks and money, obviously. Jalopnik only claims “speed kills” if they can also monetize it. They’d happily put up any contradictory piece if it makes them money. Hypocrisy is not a word with which they are familiar.

Quite a juxtaposition between this and the article about the 6 people killed by the person who was speeding. We’re giving this new “record” attention why?  

I have this bowl of Cheerios here. Would you like to shit in it while you’re at it?

Am I the only one that thinks this is targeting dealers who buy new models only to turn around and sell them “used” days later at a huge mark up? That way they’d have to disclose that there was no manufacturer warranty.

Good lord.

Because BOTH of those places are places you don’t want to live LOL.  IF people wanted to live there the land wouldn’t be that cheap.