
The worst I’ve seen so far are the Brazilian teenager tour groups at Disney World in Florida. They’re super-loud, brash and have no sense of personal space or manners. Anyone stuck in line near them is in for a terrible time.

The language thing can be tricky, I’ve occasionally had people scoff and respond with “I speak English” when I tried to greet them in the local tongue.

Other countries that give the Ugly American a run for their money (or sometimes even make us look good by comparison): The Ugly Australian and the Ugly Chinese.

The American consumer isn’t burdened by taxes. They are burdened by gas prices.

We don’t need a gas tax holiday. That tax money goes to useful things, the lost revenue will just be gotten somewhere else or we’ll just pay more in interest on the debt, and at this price nobody will notice an 18.3 cent reduction.

I’ve experienced my fair share of mobile and F2P gaming, and I can promise you, this one is so much worse. It’s not just aggressively monetized, it does it insidiously.

I was defending this game right up until hours ago and can promise you... it’s so much worse haha.

Yeah, the moment I realized that the videos were still playing in the slides I’d clicked past was the moment I realized what was even dumber than these speed bumps.

Worse yet, these are by the standard Gawker or I mean er uh the other webchain writers. They will come up with anything as long as it matches the quota they themselves demanded. I’m attempting to decipher how the fuck this article mattered to anyone.

How about every car that has a damaged tire shaft gets to sue who

Man I thought regular slideshows were bad, but they’re even worse for videos. Forget to stop the current video before click next slide and later realize there’s video still playing in the background from a few slides black.

I love GS! I picked up Cyberpank 2077 V1.5 for $13 when CDPR finsihed working on it. The beta used to be $60 months ago and digital is still $60

From my list of things no one on the internet needs or should use:

Go back and read the article.

Or fiddle-fucking around with his phone and not watching the road.

Perfect visibility, straight line, already almost out of its lane and no attempt at avoidance?  This driver needs a drug test, BAC test and logbook check...  Either high, drunk or asleep!

Yay Techno Violet!

Nothing will hide those hideous giant kidney grills.

Diesel and home heating oil are the same thing. The red dye only indicates it is untaxed. Off road diesel is also dyed.

It’s a gawker/Giz site.  Are you surprised???

Seconded this. Article is dangerously wrong.

“The products included in the recall have UPC codes between 1274425 – 2140425"