
Hopefully it’s good. I always want more good horror TV. 

Well known franchise in a genre that generally makes good money on lower budgets seem like a pretty safe bet, all things considered.

This is a reach, that’s a perfectly OK build. It is actually very cool and fun to run an int/dex build where you adjust towards mageiness or slashiness as necessary.

I will never not laugh at this dude’s expression:

He fucked around and found out.  

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face” Mike Tyson

“Our decision is that if some dumb dick starts shit with Mike Fucking Tyson then they get what they got coming to them. Case closed.”

LOL, you won’t see any of those big yachts in Monaco this year, they are being seized or went back to Russia to a safe port

If you had been shown that daytime footage without context, you would absolutely have believed it to be real footage.

I came in here to shrug my shoulders at another pointless tech demo, but dude, that shit looks real. If someone had just sent this to me as a spooky video someone recorded, it never would have occurred to me that the whole thing might be rendered.

You’re right, it looks...Unreal. But seriously, are you nuts? That daytime shot looks totally real.

Kinda missing the point. This isn’t a “game”, it is a pre-rendered art project an Italian artist made. The camera motions are from VR tracking to emulate a handheld camera perspective. It isn’t trying to be a game.

It’s meant to look real.. like a dude holding a phone. the camera bob is not what’s on display here.

I’m sorry, what now?

I am sure it has nothing to do with them farting out a new COD each year for over ten years. 

Have you played Halo?  The Warthog has never sounded like it was an EV; same goes with every UNSC vehicle/ship I can think of off the top of my head.  This is nothing new.

You lost them at editing.  If spell cheque kant find it, it's knot getting corrected.

Watching Twitter’s implosion will be glorious!

I really don’t understand why this website  hates this guy so much.

Really amazed at the “both-sides-ism” here.