
Read the headline as Bureau of Land Management protesters 

I keep wondering if the idiot behind these fucking monkeys actually thinks his shit is worth this money or if he’s in on the grift. He has to be right? No one is that dumb

Some idiot paid millions for it, but does that make it “worth millions”? I’m honestly not sure I know the answer. I guess it’s all just semantics. Still, my gut tells me that NFT isn’t worth millions.

Gun Game started in Counter Strike, then later appeared as a mode in BF3. It was quite a bit later before it showed up in a COD game. So can’t accuse them of copying that one.
Zombies is a bit more fair of a comparison but that was hardly an original mode when it showed up in COD.
Totally agree with you about the soul

How about a lack of a law concerning headlight brightness? There’s a minimum, but, and I realize I’m preaching to the choir here, there seems to be no limit to how bright headlights can be.

The 25 year import law would get my vote 

I’m not a fan of the kid, never was, but I believe I’d do the same in this situation as he’s attempting... get it back so it doesn’t become some sort of symbol that will torture him for the rest of his life ... which would happen to him if it fell into the wrong hands as part of a police auction.

MFer, you don’t know anything about me. I didn’t specify what he wasn’t found guilty of, and it doesn’t actually matter. He was found not guilty of all charges, therefore his property should be returned unless there is proof that he intends to commit a crime with it. If you can provide that proof, please be my guest. 

I mean regardless how you feel about the incident and the case outcome, why would there be any legal question that if your possessions are taken in as evidence, then if you’re declared not guilty you should get your stuff back at some point?

I mean if you were found innocent of crime and the police had it, you’d want it back too, right? Let’s be real here.

Yeah, he wants his property back.  Hope he gets it.

This almost isn’t news worthy. He was found not guilty and it is his property. Why wasn’t it handed to him on his way out the last time he was there?

Eh, he was found not guilty. It doesn’t matter how many people agree with the verdict or not. The verdict is the verdict. Give him his shit back. 

That isn’t an assault rifle. Assault Rifle has technical requirements that it wouldn’t meet (generally just requiring it to be a rifle that has selective fire between atleast semi-automatic and some form of automatic fire).

Either he wants all his shit so he can destroy it himself and make sure no local cops skeak his shit out of the station and place it for sale on whatever far right social media site of the week, or he wants to sell it himself. I’d have more faith in him doing the right thing than any of the dipshit cops we have in

This pretty much says it all. Remember, this is a town with fewer than 1,500 residents.

I mean, it’s cool. Sure. But dude had a garage. It’s not like he built it on the street or in a parking garage.

I think we should strongly consider “would immediately end a driving test” as a valid criteria to stop a public beta of any self-driving system. Until it can complete (and pass) a basic driving test, we should probably limit test vehicles to people hired and trained to properly monitor and control the vehicle.

I want a remote hydraulic suspension that I can drop mid catalytic converter theft - all the way to the ground - really fast. But also must have enough ground clearance at normal ride height that I don’t have to move the speed bump before driving away.

I really hope you are being sarcastic. If not the next time you order food I hope they whip it through your window because “it’s delivered “