
I think it’s inaccurate to say future generations don’t care to own anything. More that they are so overloaded with debt that they can’t afford to own anything.

I’m confused as to why the test is moot at this point. If my kids have the sniffles I’d like to know if it’s just a cold so that I can send them back to school when they feel okay or if I need to keep them home until they test negative.  

Unless you like a comfortable ride.

Wheels (and the tires that are attached to them).

One look at those stupid wheels and immediate NO DICE! Didn’t read a word about it. Tells me all I need to know about the owner. Way to fuck up a beautiful car, ya dumb ass. Sheesh!

Those stupid fucking wheels tell me everything I need to know about this car, and what they tell me is no dice.

Well that’s...dramatic. Anyone attempting to sell that car with those wheels makes questionable automotive decisions

You ever see a take that’s just so insane, so completely removed from reality that you’re almost completely dumbfounded and unable to respond?

The deaths, while awful, don’t remotely account for the declining workforce.

Yes, they all died, it's certainly not the socio economic factors worsened by policy from both parties for over 70 years. Literally everything is because COVID!

I’m not sure what he’s complaining about here.

It’s not turbo lag, that doesn’t even really exist anymore. Ford programs its truck transmissions very, very far in the direction of fuel economy, which makes them very excited about shifting up, and very reluctant to shift down. You can correct this simply by putting the transmission in sport, pushing the tow button,

I immediately had an Xpel ppf coating put on all the paint and a ceramic coating put on over that.”

This is what I came to say. Find a seller who’s not an idiot.

Nice Nissan bro. Lets see, where to start, cost seems fair enough (in this day and age) for a stock G35 in great shape.

This year, in a fit of procrastination, I didn't fit my snow tires until the first snowfall of the year. Driving my car both before and after lets me say with confidence that you have no idea what you're talking about to an almost dangerous degree.

Also it’s counter-intuitive, but my understanding is wider width on snow is not good, you actually want narrower. FWIW I had a 1.5 hr drive during the height of the downfall last week in Northern Virginia. It was slow going, but I did fine in a ‘10 Focus with stock size newish General Exclaim HPX all-season tires from

As stupid as it is to have low profile tires on a big truck, the tread on those tires looks decent enough to be able to navigate that snow. My question is why would you lift a 2WD truck? What obstacle can you clear with just a rear open diff that needs that much ground clearance? Alas I think the neon camo pattern

never own a chrysler product.

is that a superstition or just good judgement?

Hey, they mentioned Uber Eats, and Uber uses cars, so..... uh... car news?