
System of a down told me they were bad when I was a wee teen. Who doesn’t believe everything those guys say?

Yeah, but there is a reason that Lady Justice carries scales as well as a sword. You’re supposed to be punished on the fuck up and causes, not the emotions provoked by it. He fucked up. There is no doubt he should have had better judgement, but his fuck up was thinking his brakes had more left in them than they did.

True, consumers typically go whatever is being perhaps if game journalists stopped breathlessly covering every movement of these predatory things...?

The grille seems to have survived relatively intact. 

Barret is a character that was inspired by Mr. T... because articles like this writing or including a PoC character is such a delicate matter, it literally forces one into the story, what rarely turns out good. 


for just 250$ a month.  if you stop paying they change it to baby shit green and it stays that way. 

Sorry guys but the race was lost the moment Latifi crashed.
The judges waited too long to permit unlapping, true, and found a half-baked solution to correct that mistake.

Shouldn’t Italian be it’s own category?

The bigger question is how are you still not using at least one of the multitudes of adblockers?

That’s related to your own browsing history boss

the gun didn’t go across borders that’s a lie. Also, he was attacked, full stop. Those other people saw someone running away from them and decided to attack him. In what possible world is chasing someone down and assaulting them defending anybody?

The people he killed were trying to protect others from him.”

Get fucked commies. You’re just mad that you can’t Burn Loot and Murder without consequence. Cope, seethe, dilate. God bless America.

stay mad

“Who travelled across state lines” Why is this relevant? Most of his family lives in Kenosha, and he lives 1 mile from the border.

Kyle did nothing wrong. Seeth, cope and dialate.

Vent?? Yeah. I watched three awful white men, one of which raped 5 boys between age 9 and 11, get ventilated in the streets like the disgusting dog he was when he chased a minor and tried to snatch his rifle. Another convicted domestic abuser who punched his grandma in the face and couldn’t even legally carry the gun

Activists? That's a weird way to spell rioters 

Good day for self defense advocates. Trial was over before it started since video evidence of the event existed