
The article is inaccurate. Jacob Blake was shot but not killed.

I am, to my shame, a 2-time loser. And as such, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that no system exists outside of full automation that can keep drunks from driving while also not screwing over normal, rational drivers at the same time.

this is exactly the response that i knew i would get.. .OMG you support drunk driving! how could you not be against drunk driving???

Calling it now: This is going to be a shit show and the money would be better spent on increased enforcement during peak DWI hours.

Drunk driving accounts for so few accidents in the country. Comapred to cell phone driver and sleepy drivers, DUI crashes make up a nearly meaningless portion of the crashes. But its low hanging fruit - no one in theri right mind would ever speak out in support of drunks - but this is misguided tech.

I genuinely dont know what the best course of action here is.

Can’t wait until the details on the implied links of privilege between the teen and the Waller Police Department come to light. Oh and before some moron yells “cancel culture”, I’d prefer to think of it as “accountability culture.”

The people doing donuts were just peacefully protesting.

Agreed. I’ll file this headline away though for the next time a piece is published here sympathetic to protestors marching/blocking busy freeways in service of whatever cause is in vogue.

Hence the lead in of “passenger car”


“AdBlue is a diesel exhaust fluid that dissolves”

Oh man! I can’t wait to buy this game, play it for two days and then give up because it’s too hard. Ha ha! These games DO look great on my shelf, though.

...The article was satire.

The guy should be put in jail for life or executed. That’s murder during commission of a crime. Once he assaulted the police he had to be arrested, that seems open and shut.

It’s good to be able to admit to foolish beliefs. I am proud of you.

They’re both some of my favorite games of the past 10 years, so your mileage may vary I guess! 

Yea, I cannot see how this improves anything over a countersunk/bored screw with a solid finish end cap/plug. Very neat, but answering a question no one was asking.

Batteries on Amazon are 100% guaranteed to be rejects. Amazon has a serious black and gray market battery problem. Don’t buy batteries on Amazon.

Batteries on Amazon are 100% guaranteed to be rejects. Amazon has a serious black and gray market battery problem.