
Goddamn right you did it first.

Not that I want to accuse anyone of plagiarism, but…

1. Can't Maintain
2. Knife Man
3. People Who Can Eat People
4. The Bible 2
5. Christmas Island

On the other hand, if it gets around the same (or less) anger than the Robocop remake, maybe we'll be forced to admit that some of the Ghostbusters rage actually did have to do with the original movie being beloved.

That's really not that bad.

I disagree that Virgil is a problematic character w/r/t the "magical negro" trope, and here's why:

I certainly didn't predict tonight's murder-suicide.

What's inherently wrong with the trope, though, unless it's a crutch for lack of diversity? If there's only one black character, and he's a magical character helping the white protagonist, sure, you've got a problem.

It's not necessarily inherently a negative, though. Unless it's automatically bad to have a black person with magical powers.

I think you mean "unsurprised". Non-plussed means extremely surprised and shocked.

If people complain about the polar bears, it's a red flag for them not actually having watched the show with any degree of attention or regularity.

He's upset that everyone forgot his past as a critically acclaimed film composer.

Funny, I actually think it's the other way around. Bingewatching allows shows to avoid close scrutiny.

As a fan of Justified: Get used to it. No one will ever appreciate FX :(.

That definitely felt like an HBO-style "three minutes of previously on" moment. In their defense, it was a very dark scene and it's possibly not everyone would get it. But yeah, it was unnecessary.

Was there any point in him getting his wristband stolen? They could have cut out that entire plot and just had Matt and Mary drive back into Jarden no problemo. Now that's podracing!

… aliens? You think there were aliens in LOST?

There'll be a couple thinkpieces devoted arguing that this rape scene was handled "so much better" than Game of Thrones, that offer really vague and nonsensical reasons for why this rape scene was better than another (which ultimately boil down to "a male was raped, so I'm more OK with it." See: Outlander).

I didn't have a religious upbringing at all. And I love this show.

… I generally love Lindelof too.