
I'm currently playing VALKYRIA CHRONICLES REMASTERED on the PS4 (never played the original version, so this is my first time through). I really enjoy the Fire Emblem games and this is very Fire Emblem-y, so it's no surprise that I'm enjoying this. As in most of the FE games, the story is passable, the music is good

I really loved that sort of stuff in WIND WAKER - solving all the little stray puzzles in the town/on the islands.

Yep. Part of why I usually try to do as much of the side stuff as I can before I wrap up the campaign. As soon as I've completed the main campaign, other stuff sitting on my shelf starts looking increasingly tempting. I thought that wouldn't happen here, but sure enough…

There really isn't much variation in the missions at all. It's extremely good at what it does, but what it does is pretty limited. Still, I'm having a good time with it. I hear the closing chapters are a bit of a slog, though.

I didn't hate the game, but that's quite possibly the worst quest journal of all time. I spent way too much time in that game just trying to make sure I was tracking the right quest.

I don't have a Switch yet, but they've been in stock pretty regularly at my local Best Buy. Getting one at a brick-and-mortar store seems to be a good bit easier than trying to snag one online.

Hooray for fast travel! TWILIGHT PRINCESS has such a big world (especially for the era in which it was made), but so much of it feels so… empty. I found the sidequests fairly tedious, but the meat of the game is pretty great… one of the stronger Zelda stories, and some terrific dungeons.

Last week, I mentioned that I was looking forward to digging into the FINAL FANTASY XV postgame after finishing the campaign. Well, I finished the campaign, and… weirdly, I suddenly didn't feel like playing it anymore. I spent a few hours doing miscellaneous sidequests, but being stuck in a version of the past before

Yeah, the combat is decent, but it's hard to appreciate that when large bushes are obstructing your view of the fight. And yeah, I kept wandering into so many invisible walls as I explored the "open world" (the fact that you can't take your car off the road adds to this vibe, too). But I highly recommend getting

I am playing FINAL FANTASY XV, which I am still enjoying despite the fact that the game is doing everything in its power to self-destruct as I get deeper into it. I've been alternating between sidequests and the main missions based on recommended mission level – basically, I do all the sidequests I can until the next

I only played OOT on the N64, but they're definitely a step up. That said, there was such a long stretch of time between the two playthroughs that I'm a little fuzzy on just how significant the differences are.

Far Cry 4 is fun, though it's basically a re-skinned Far Cry 3. The story is forgettable, but I've always found the assorted open-world activities in the Far Cry games to be enjoyable enough to overcome that. There's no narrative connection to any of the others.

And yeah, lower expectations may be a part of why I'm enjoying this one more, too. I was eagerly waiting for Andromeda from the day it was announced. I didn't really expect a whole lot from FFXV (I didn't like XIII much at all), but I've been thoroughly charmed by it so far. It definitely has a more immediately

Yeah, taking occasional breaks to check Facebook or read a news story while old FF soundtracks play in the background is perfectly fine with me.

Are you planning to play Revelation? Probably my favorite of the three Fates games overall, despite the fact that I was feeling a bit of FE burnout by the time I got to it.

My wife and I played through this one together and had a great time with it. Lots of notepad sketches and late-night brainstorming sessions…

The Wii U versions of Twilight Princess and Wind Waker both have their slightly frustrating control moments, but are generally so much more satisfying control-wise than the 3DS remakes of OOT and MM. Granted, the 3DS games are older, but the gap between those two sets of games is enormous.

One thing that struck me about UNCHARTED 4 was how many sequences force you to walk at a remarkably slow pace. I'm not the sort of person who rushes through games, but not having the option to jog from one side of the room to another in so many situations was strangely aggravating (if "realistic").

I am currently 10-11 hours into FINAL FANTASY XV (aka FINAL FANTASY: RIDING IN CARS WITH BOYS), which I'm kind of loving so far. All the little mundane activities you're required to do can be a little tedious at times (welp, time to listen to the FFIV soundtrack while we drive for six minutes), but they the countless

Just a hair over two hours. Felt like just the right amount of time for what the game is doing.