
I just finished HORIZON: ZERO DAWN - well, finished the campaign and all of the sidequests I could find, anyway. There are still a fair number of collectibles littered around the world, but I think I'm going to leave them be. I had a great time with it, though, and I'm definitely down for HZD2: What Are You Doing,

I haven't played Zelda yet (waiting until I get a Switch… probably towards the end of the year), but I have a couple of friends who have told me that it was so good that it kinda ruined other open-world games for them for a while.

I'm playing more HORIZON: ZERO DAWN, which continues to be a lot of fun. One thing that has surprised me: this game is actually… kinda hard? It was a bit tough early on, but I figured things would play out the way they usually do in FAR CRY games: around the halfway point, you become an overleveled killing machine who

That was strange. I kept expecting some deadly twist, but it was just… a room full of bugs.

Glad to hear that. I've enjoyed all of the previous Souls DLC expansions, and while AoA certainly wasn't terrible… it was definitely the most underwhelming.

Just finished the DARK SOULS III: ASHES OF ARIANDEL DLC. Overall, I found it a little underwhelming - the new environment didn't feel particularly inspired, and I wasn't a huge fan of the "here, try to deal with mobs of enemies in big open spaces" situations that kept popping up on a regular basis. However, the final

So after 62 hours of play, I finished MASS: EFFECT ANDROMEDA. My thoughts on the game (spoilers ahead, but I'll try to be as vague as possible):

I'm now approaching the 40-hour mark in MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA. The big patch that launched yesterday made a number of immediate improvements: you can skip some of the travel animations when you're traveling within a system, inventory limits have been dramatically expanded, the game seems less glitchy, etc. It's not

This weekend, I'll be playing more MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA. After spending about twenty hours with it, I can say that I really like it… with about 200 minor-to-medium reservations. There's very little that makes the game truly exasperating, but there are so, so, so many little things that seem to make the game a bit

"Go think about what you've done! And, uh, we'll get back to you later."

This weekend, I hope to spend some quality time with MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA. I've only played about three hours or so, which basically means that I've done the whole opening mission, gotten to know some of the folks on the Nexus, done a couple of basic sidequests (no sabotaging the Nexus on my watch, Character X!).

Hanzo was a really tricky one for me, for whatever reason. I've only recently started to get pretty comfortable with him. Looking back at this comment from nine months ago, I'm sort of impressed by how many tweaks Blizzard has made since then (Torbjorn isn't overpowered anymore, and "four people playing the same

That's good to hear.

This week is turning into a pretty busy one, so I only got to play this for a few minutes yesterday: created my Ryder, did the opening bit, crashed on the planet, had to stop there.

Welp, I told myself I was only gonna get one new game this year, and that game would be MASS EFFECT: ANDROMEDA. Did I choose poorly? Probably. But dammit, it's new MASS EFFECT. I can't wait.

I will say that it's easier for me to be a psychopath in Skyrim than it is in a lot of RPGs, mostly because so many people in Skyrim are jerks.

I never finished the Oblivion DLC because one of the main quests was broken (I was playing the GOTY edition on PS3). My main memory of what I did play was that it was… colorful?

I am marching along in SKYRIM, and I've only got a few big things left to do before I hit the DLC. Just finished up the Dark Brotherhood questline, so I only need to finish the Civil War (three or four missions in, fighting for the Imperials), the main quest (just got the elder scroll) and whatever Daedric missions I

Yeah. And the fact that I purchased it digitally rather than getting a disc makes it that much easier to just turn off whatever else I'm playing and jump into a quick match or two or five.

I've definitely had some "yeah, but I'd really rather be playing Overwatch" cycles. Over the past few months I've basically gotten into a pattern where I play it a bunch when there's a themed event going on (gotta get some of those new skins!), then play it progressively less until a new one starts up.