
Hoping that X-COM 2 makes it to consoles at some point, as I really enjoyed the first one.

I'm actually in almost the same place with MGSV - about 35 hours in and on mission 24 or 25. It was starting to feel really repetitive, so I had to set it aside for a while. Hopefully I'll work up the motivation to get back to it eventually.

Dark Souls 2 is different enough from Dark Souls that it's certainly worth trying for $5. Despite some moments that are perhaps even more difficult, there are a lot of little things that make the game more accessible (fast-travel to any bonfire you've unlocked from the very beginning, little health lifegems to

Well, I finally finished DARK SOULS II: SCHOLAR OF THE FIRST SIN! It's been a long, slow ride to the finish line - I started playing it back in August and have been in and out of it at various points over the the last six months - but the deed is done. Really enjoyed visiting the game a second time and particularly

I think they patched it on the PS4. It hasn't really been a problem for me until this area.

I played with the 3D on for about an hour and then decided that was enough. As with 90% of the 3DS titles I've played, I feel 2D is ultimately the more satisfying option. As for the nub: I haven't any huge problems with it, but a second circle pad would have been vastly preferable.

It's my favorite, too, though I've noticed that my weapons tend to break faster there than in any other area. Maybe because there are so many areas where it's hard to avoid hitting walls? Anyway, I just have to be sure I have a decent backup weapon with me at all times.

I'll be playing more DARK SOULS 2: SCHOLAR OF THE FIRST SIN. I think I'm nearly done with the DLC stuff now - currently in the third area, and I just found the final Knight of Eleum Loyce. Going to take another run at the Burnt Ivory King later today. The DLC has been really impressive overall - tougher than the areas

Yeah, the PS4's library is deep enough to make it worthwhile at this point - and there's definitely a lot of exciting exclusive stuff on tap for this year. Go for it!

Oh, man… yeah, it took me a little while to figure that out, too, but once I did the whole area became considerably more navigable. I also had a friend who tossed me a few friendly tips going in, which undoubtedly helped a great deal.

This weekend, I'll be playing XENOBLADE CHRONICLES 3D, aka "the game I had to play to half-justify my purchase of a New 3DS." Only about 7 or 8 hours in right now, but I'm digging it so far. The combat system is absurdly complex, but I'm starting to get the hang of it and I appreciate the fact that the game lets you

I, uh, lost Donnel after like two missions. He was so young… *hangs head in shame*

Thanks for the tip! Robin married Chrom, and Morgan is a Tactician. He's actually not one of my stronger characters, oddly enough, though he's certainly better than the other spell-casters (save for Robin).

Good to know! I'll definitely be revisiting this one at some point, as I made some leveling mistakes early on that I'd handle differently now (letting Frederick get a bunch of kills, for instance). I've let a few characters die, and it always stings. Just lost Lissa midway through the most recent battle, which I was

*raises hand* I'd make the argument that Fallout 4 is a worse game than DA:I. They both have a lot of filler and aren't as good as the best installments of the series they belong to, but DA:I at least managed to make me care about the story and the majority of its characters, while Fallout 4's sloppy, heartless

This weekend, I'll be polishing off FIRE EMBLEM: AWAKENING. I think I'm pretty close to the end, anyway (just wrapped up Mission 23). I've reached a point in the game where Frederic has become one of my weaker players, which I wouldn't have imagined was possible early on. The all-star of my lineup at this point is

Yeah, Inquisition seems a lot less replayable than most other Bioware games, given the length + sheer amount of filler/grind-y stuff. A shame, given all of the branching dialogue options and such. For all of its faults, I'd much rather play through Dragon Age 2 a second time.

If you don't mind my asking, is there a reason you have to start over from the beginning instead of picking up from your old save file?

For a variety of reasons I won't get into, we have to tighten our belts a little bit this year. Given that I won't have quite as much spending money for new games, my resolution is to take this opportunity to polish off the backlog I've built up over the past few years. Sure, I'll still scrape together the money for a

Even with letting a few people die - my save file says 13+ hours, but the 3DS tells me it's over 20. I may try a hard mode run after this is done (unless I get swept up into Fates first).