
I really wish I'd started playing Fire Emblem a few months ago, because then I would have been motivated to order that terrific deluxe edition of Fates (all three campaigns on a single cartridge + cool extras!) before it sold out. But yeah, given how much I've been enjoying FE:A, I'm sure I'll end up picking up all of

That is encouraging to hear, because I was like, "Even if I level up some more, I dunno if I can handle this…"

I've noticed that - I made the mistake of thinking I could use the side missions to beef up my weaker characters, but those are the ones where I usually ending up needing to use my heavy-hitters (and maybe one or two well-protected weaklings). Trying to make sure everybody gets some good training time in, but some

Agree with all of this. I'd much rather swallow my pride and check a guide to keep going than waste three hours trying to figure out a solution. I don't have that kind of time to spare these days, so having a guide to keep things moving tends to add to my enjoyment rather than detract from it.

Hello, all! Hope everyone had a good holiday. This weekend, I'll be playing…

This weekend, I'll be wrapping up the DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION DLC, which I've been playing for the past week or so. I sold my regular edition of DA:I and picked up a discounted Game of the Year edition, which was a lot cheaper than paying $45 for the three big DLC packs. My thoughts so far:

I like this show. However, it's been a while since the last season, and the only thing I really remember about it is that most of the characters pronounce Luther's name as, "Lufa!"

…I did not know this. Do the Brotherhood and Railroad still try to give you "let's destroy each other!" missions after you defeat the Institute, or do they just chill out and keep giving you side missions and stuff?

It's a great level with an alternately inviting and unsettling atmosphere. I had actually experienced that section once before - I played the PS3 version when it came out, but currently playing the PS4 version. However, I have never played the DLC stuff, which I will get to soon.

I've been thinking about purchasing the DLC - $20 seems reasonable for all the new content you get.

Finished up FALLOUT 4 (posted some spoiler-y extended thoughts in a reply somewhere in the comments) and was feeling pretty frustrated with the way it wrapped up, so I decided to switch things up with something a bit lighter. I went with HYRULE WARRIORS, which is precisely the sort of dumb fun I needed. It's

Agreed. To elaborate…

Yeah, PS+ has been getting really sad lately. Last year, it seemed like there was a new wealth of treasures every month. This month's offering struck me as particularly dire - I want to play King's Quest, but only giving away the first chapter is basically giving away a demo. Now that it's required for online play,

Still playing FALLOUT 4, though I think my time with that game may be drawing to a close in the near future. Getting pretty close to being done with the main quest, and honestly, some open world fatigue is setting in. The deeper I get into this thing, the more I'm starting to believe that it's a disappointment -

In fairness, Branagh's Cinderella is pretty damn good. It doesn't do much to alter Disney's version of the story, but it's such a rich cinematic experience - gorgeous music, incredible costume design and cinematography worthy of Max Ophuls. That ballroom sequence is particularly great… it feels like something pulled

I enjoyed Ni No Kuni quite a bit, too, though I could never really get into the Pokemon-ish side of it - it took a lot of time to properly train your characters, so I mostly wound up just sticking with six I had gotten very early in the game. The only other issue I had was that the ending felt tacked-on… which makes

Yeah, the fact that this is a Wii U game plays a big part in my decision to get it, too (or, rather, to put it on my Christmas list this year). There are an abundance of RPG timesinks available for my PS4, but somehow the notion of being able to play one on Nintendo's underappreciated console still has a fresh appeal.

Looking forward to checking this out once I finally break free of my FALLOUT addiction. Thinking I should probably create a new character and work my way through half of the campaign or so, but a part of me would also like to do that with my powered-up NG+ character. Just worried that the NG+ difficulty spike will be

Since posting this, I've maxed out my relationships with Piper and Valentine… but I spent quite a few hours with both, and they like simple things (lockpicking and hacking, respectively). Currently working on Macready because I can get easy likes from him by stealing things.

Like so many of you, I will undoubtedly be playing more FALLOUT 4. Currently at level 28 and am working on assorted missions for a total of four different factions. Out of curiosity, has anyone else out there reached max loyalty with any of their companions yet? I haven't, but I've been rotating between them quite a