
I found that uncool vault, too. At first, I was convinced that there was going to be some big reveal about the Overseer being a horrible tyrant, but nope, she's just a hard-working Overseer with tough-but-understandable policies. A remarkably well-run society by Fallout standards.

Like so many others, I am spending most of my time with FALLOUT 4. About 19 hours into the game at this point, and I have to admit, I've already died more often than I died in the entirety FALLOUT 3. Exploring early on is awfully dangerous, because there's a ton of stuff that you simply aren't ready for. However, I

I read once that Hackman was so disappointed by the general public's reaction to Scarecrow that he swore off risky, low-budget films entirely and only took projects that seemed commercially viable. He made plenty of other great movies, of course, but that's still a shame - his performance in Scarecrow is so damn good.

Twomb Raider, clearly.

*sheds single tear on behalf of all PS4 owners*

I've mostly been playing ASSASSIN'S CREED: SYNDICATE this week, and I expect that trend will probably continue this weekend. Just finished sequence 6, so I feel like I'm a pretty good way into this thing. I'm continuing to enjoy the setting and characters a great deal, even if the actual story is on the generic side.

Worst Michael Haneke movie ever.

Those mimics (monster chests) in the Dark Souls games are fairly terrifying when you aren't expecting them. Man, I hate those things. There aren't many of them, but there are just enough to make you feel nervous about opening every chest from that point on. However, the game that scared me the most was Outlast, which

This weekend, I'll be playing some ASSASSIN'S CREED: SYNDICATE, which I picked up earlier in the week. I was going to wait for a price drop on this one, but I was walking by the games department while doing some shopping for other things, and, well, things happened. Thankfully, it's a pretty good AC game, at least so

Good to know - thanks! Sounds like sticking with my current save is a better option than going with the default level 30 version they offer.

I believe I was at level 35 or so when I finished WITCHER III - is that too high for HEARTS OF STONE? I think I'm going to pick it up soon, but unsure on the best way to get into it.

I've had precious little gaming time this week, so the only thing I've been able to play is a little YOSHI'S WOOLY WORLD - currently halfway through the second area. This game is pretty delightful. Admittedly, I've been trying to gather all the collectibles as I go, which has made the game a much more challenging,

Yeah, it's the worst. After a while I just decided to do a mad run for the second bonfire and save myself a headache.

I just kinda like the idea that the actual enemies are less dangerous than the lack of light and the rickety structures - the first time through when I'm trying to focus on lighting the area is always nerve-wracking in a fun way.

This weekend, I will be playing YOSHI'S WOOLY WORLD, which I'm planning to pick up today. The reviews seem to suggest that this isn't quite one of Nintendo's top-tier titles, but it looks fun and adorable and I'll have an excuse to get a delightful Yarn Yoshi amiibo. Looking forward to checking it out.

I would like to see a GOD OF WAR musical. The larger-than-life storytelling would lend itself well to a big splashy musical. It would probably end up being 90% murder-themed power ballads, 10% plaintive numbers about the loss of Kratos' family.

I think I'll take your advice and do Uncharted first - I'm already growing a little weary of stealth gameplay after playing four of these games in a row. Plus, my guess is that TPP drops in price faster than Uncharted since it isn't a first-party title, so it may be be $20 or $30 less by the time I get around to it.

I just finished playing through MGS 1-4 (plus Peace Walker). 2 is definitely on the clunky side at times, but it's a lot more playable than 1 and the last couple of hours represent the series at its demented best. Worth it to reach the ending, imho. 3 is great, though - a really entertaining game with a coherent story

Yeah, I know. I gave up midway through the Defiled Chalice, so I'm not that far away. Just couldn't take it anymore. Maybe I'll pick it back up someday.

Okay, I know the area you're talking about. I'll give it a shot. Thanks!